Design Matters: 7 Important Benefits of a Website That’s Responsive
Almost six in 10 – that’s how many web search queries come from mobile devices. What’s more, when it comes to doing online research, 80% of people turn to their smartphones. That shows that consumers’ reliance has switched from laptops to mobile devices. Now the question is, how does your website display this information on… Read More
Why You Need a Separate Mobile Cache for your WordPress Site, And How Not Having One Killed My Client’s Rankings (for a little While)
I wanted to show you today why a mobile cache is so important. However, failing to have one doubled my mobile page load speed and led to a temporary decrease in rankings. That is before I fixed it and doubled my client’s traffic in the opposite direction. Separate mobile Cache The biggest bang for your… Read More
How and Why You Should Hire Someone to Build a Website
There are close to 3 billion people who access the internet daily. Thus, the internet plays a critical role in the performance of your business. Having a website enhances your online presence enabling your business to capitalize on the strengths of the internet. This is the only way that they will return to your page,… Read More
10 Essential Tips for the Perfect Website
Having a website is a crucial thing in this era of internet business. The design of your website has a significant effect on the quality and credibility of your business. Therefore, you have to make it look good enough to create the best first impression on your visitors and to reduce the bounce rate. Research… Read More
How to Secure a Website: 7 Basic Steps
Without good security, even the best websites are vulnerable to cyber attacks. Find out how to secure a website with these seven steps. There is a great deal involved in creating a website. Not only must you institute attractive design and create effective page content, but you must also establish sufficient security measures. Do… Read More
Just Be Aware: How Much Does a Small Business Website Cost in 2018?
Modern people use the internet any time they want to find some products or learn about some company. Today, online presence is a necessity for any business. In 2018, companies that don’t have a website look like dinosaurs, in fact, they risk to end up the same way because they miss too many opportunities for… Read More
Website Design Hacks That Turn Visitors into Paying Customers
Every business owner strives to have lots of website traffic, but traffic in itself isn’t important if those visitors don’t convert. Visitors should perform actions that you can value – and there is plenty that affects those conversions, website design being one important factor. Choice of Colors and Fonts When it comes to website and… Read More
The Most Important Metrics That Matter To Your Website
There are a lot of important numbers defining your website, but the ones that matter are those you can use to streamline operations, reduce complication, and ultimately better your brand. People don’t do anything without their smartphones today, and the convenience of just tapping a touchscreen and getting a package sent to your door has… Read More
7 Reasons Not to Save Money on Your WordPress Website
As the largest content management system, WordPress gives you a great opportunity to launch an online business with minimum investments. WordPress now powers 30% of all websites, and it owes most of the popularity to the wide range of free features. Unfortunately, most entrepreneurs confuse minimum investments with zero budget, which completely ruins their attempts… Read More
Top 10 Risks for Running a Website Which is not Legally Compliant
The only fact that you are coming up with your first website is enough to pump up your excitement. Since having a site isn’t an infant’s play, you’d have to keep an eye on a myriad of things. Right from the number of pages to the quality of the content, paying attention to every little… Read More