5 Tips for Designing a Website That Google Will Love
Good design is like a refrigerator – when it works, no one notices, but when it doesn’t, it sure stinks. This frequently cited quote by Irene Au, former Global Head of User Experience at Google, cuts to the chase and explains why good design is so important. And given that Google processes 1.2 trillion searches… Read More
What Does a Graphic Designer Do and What Should You Expect When Working With One?
60.8% of marketers believe that good graphic design is integral to successful marketing. So what exactly is graphic design? And what should you expect? If you have ever wondered what does a graphic designer do and what is it like working with one, you should read on to learn everything you need to know. So, What Does… Read More
Should My Industrial Website Support Live Chat?
In the last decade or two, the world and the way we do business has become increasingly digital. Where you would once go into your local store, today almost every company has an online presence. Many young people will tell you they don’t want to talk to someone face-to-face. Instead, they prefer to live chat,… Read More
The Do’s and Don’ts of Graphic Design
Understanding the rules of graphic design allows you to create something unexpected. Until you fully grasp the do’s and don’ts, it’s difficult to know when to break the rules and create exciting new designs and when you should stick to the tried and true. There are approximately 217,810 graphic designers employed in the United States,… Read More
Modern Web Design Essentials Every Online Business Needs
It is imperative to have an online presence today. More importantly, your online presence should be remarkable. They should be able to understand the layout of your pricing, quickly navigate to your blog or FAQ page, and be interested enough to stay on your site rather than bouncing straight off. If your bounce rate is… Read More
How to Create a Successful Landing Page: 4 Essential Components You Must Consider
A landing page can be the single most important place on your site. However, if your landing page isn’t converting, it can be the hole that eats up your entire advertising budget. That’s why you should make sure that you take your time while designing it. Create a landing page that meets the expectations of… Read More
How to Make an Article for the Site? 10 Important Design Elements in the Text
Many writers find that writing an article for a website is a different experience. Not only do they have to create a tone that appeals to web users, but it also has to be designed in just the right way. When you’re writing a web article, you have to think of the potential audience that… Read More
Do You Know What It Takes to Create a Perfect Landing Page?
If you have a website of your own and you’re not new into digital marketing, you know that your landing page gives the first impression to a potential visitor. This impression can either help in building a connection or play a role in creating a disconnect. Before hiring a website agency for your company, you… Read More
Six Site Improvements All Industrial Companies Should Make to Their Site
As an industrial company, you have special considerations to keep in mind when reaching site visitors and the public in general. Your audience is highly targeted, and the information you provide needs to thoroughly address any concerns and issues this target audience might encounter. The needs of an industrial website are vastly different than the… Read More
8 Tips on Creating Well-Designed Landing Page for Your Law Firm
Consider this question: Why does your law firm have a website? Do you have a website just because most of your clients expect that you have an online presence? Or is because having a site is a crucial component of your firm as a brand? You may answer yes to both questions. Makes sense? What… Read More