Want to Improve Your Site’s Bounce Rate? Follow These 8 Web Design Tips
If you’re like most passionate e-commerce business owners, then you look at your business like it’s your baby. You were there for its birth, and you’ve seen it grow from a small, little thing into the powerhouse it’s becoming. But just like with children, you’re going to have to accept certain things in your business…. Read More
10 Effective SEO Tips for WordPress Blogging in 2020
In this post, we’ll be taking a long and winding journey through Search Engine Optimization(SEO). You might be new to blogging or a veteran who is slowly migrating to WordPress. Therefore, you need help finding your feet in the SEO world. First, let’s understand a bit more about SEO before we dive into the tips…. Read More
7 Pro Tips for How to Make a Website Look Professional
You have a lot of work ahead of you if you haven’t gotten your website up to date with the current times. What looks good now is different than what did ten years ago. When 38% of people stop engaging with a site that looks bad, you can’t afford to stay in the past. Keep… Read More
Digital Marketing: 7 Simple Ways to Improve Your Website Sales
Your online presence could make or break sales. In fact, 70 to 80% of consumers check for a business online before making a purchase or visiting a store. A website that’s slow, unattractive, or difficult to use, however, could scare away those customers. With a conversion rate optimization strategy, you can improve web sales by… Read More
How to Analyze and Boost WordPress Performance
WordPress may be the most popular content management system (CMS) in the world, but it does have its unique kinks. If you’re considering using WordPress as the foundation for your site or have just started using it, there are a number of things you need to know. The most important is that website performance is… Read More
5 Great Productivity Tools for Small Teams
Increasing the productivity of a team, no matter its size is often perceived as one of the top goals of a manager or leader. And while the topic has undoubtedly been covered countless times, the one thing that seems to be on everyone’s list is the use of all manner of productivity tools. So, to… Read More
Why Business Analysis is Crucial to Growth and Success
Creating and operating your own company can be difficult, especially with a lot of competition around you. This data can provide you with important information pertaining to your business and how it is either running or how it can be improved. Because only a small number of customers will actually report a problem when using… Read More
SEO Strategies for 2020 That Will Help You Beat The Competition
If there is one thing you need to know about SEO, it’s that it is always changing. What was popular a year ago is practically useless now. And what will be popular in the years to come, only time can tell. But, if you don’t do so, you are bound to use outdated marketing strategies… Read More
9 Reasons Why You Should Consider CDNs
To many, using a Content Delivery Network (CDN) to deliver content when you can do so without one makes no sense. After all, hosting is hosting, and hosts do all the work of a CDN anyway. But CDNs are slowly becoming the standard in the world of hosting, and the fact that more than 60%… Read More
How Mobile-Ready Design Helps You Land More Sales
The world is a global village is largely controlled by the internet. The internet has evolved over the years and can be accessed in many different ways. Technology has invented different devices like laptops, watches, tablets, and even gaming devices that can access the internet. This brings to question the reason why you should have… Read More