7 Websites That Are Captivating Us Right Now
Finding inspiration for your web designs is sometimes challenging. It seems as though every site has similar components, such as a navigation bar, relevant images, headlines, and CTAs. While that’s true, there is still a lot of room for creativity and individualized designs. A physicist named Tim Berners-Lee published the first website in the summer… Read More
How to Create a Real Estate Website to Sell Your Home Fast
Are you irritated by how challenging it has become to sell your house in the current economic climate? With the increasing number of apartments due for foreclosure, the current changing times have forced most homeowners to sell their homes and downsize to a much cheaper option to save on future resources. But don’t allow these… Read More
The Anatomy of a High Converting Product Page
Product pages are notoriously difficult to build – or at least, so they seem. In reality, there are many factors to consider when building a product page that will convert. So building one that won’t is easy as pie. To help you out with that, let’s look at the elements required to build a high… Read More
A Practical Guide to Website Optimization
There are many reasons why your business needs a website. Not only will it help promote your products, but it’ll also allow you to distinguish yourself from your competitors. If anything, you just have to make sure that people can find it. What is website optimization? How does it work? Want to know? If so,… Read More
Website Design Magazines to Start Following
We receive inspiration through many outlets. It could be within ourselves, through other people, or by observing certain things. Rather than mimic something that inspires us, we take that inspiration and form something new. Creativity comes in many forms. Maybe you have a knack for designs web designs. Is it your goal to continuously improve?… Read More
9 Essential Credentials That Any Basic Website Should Have
What’s the best way to get noticed in a busy world? Create your own website, of course! When designing your website, you need to make sure people know who you are by including your credentials. But what credentials should you include? If you’re unsure what to put on your personal website about yourself, read on… Read More
The Biggest SEO Trends to Adopt in 2020
The search engine optimisation landscape is about to get a lot more competitive; digital marketing, in general, is about to get more competitive too. SEO, despite being one of the oldest tricks in the book, is still a great way to give your site some exposure. It is also a fantastic way to connect with… Read More
7 Pro Tips for How to Make a Website Look Professional
You have a lot of work ahead of you if you haven’t gotten your website up to date with the current times. What looks good now is different than what did ten years ago. When 38% of people stop engaging with a site that looks bad, you can’t afford to stay in the past. Keep… Read More
How to Analyze and Boost WordPress Performance
WordPress may be the most popular content management system (CMS) in the world, but it does have its unique kinks. If you’re considering using WordPress as the foundation for your site or have just started using it, there are a number of things you need to know. The most important is that website performance is… Read More
Pros and Cons of the Top 5 Free Website Builders
So, are you ready to build a website for your business? Luckily, there are a lot of free website builders available on the internet that you can use. Maybe you are looking for the best deals out there, and you notice the ones that offer free services. You are intrigued, of course. So, how do… Read More