The 7 Keys to Effective eCommerce Website Development

You can boil ecommerce website development down to these 7 main things. A unique and secure ecommerce website starts right here!

It’s expected that by 2023, retail e-commerce sales are going to surpass $735 billion. Additionally, to date, 43 percent of all consumers in the U.S. have searched for and purchased a product or service online.

However, not all e-commerce websites are successful. The question is – what’s the difference between the successful sites and the sites that fail?

By improving the methods you use for developing your e-commerce website and by hiring expert e-commerce developers, you can increase the likelihood that you will be successful.

1. The Use of Customer Names

Everyone wants to be recognized by their name. This is why an effective salesman at any retail store or outlet is going to work to exploit this need.

Customer Name

A quality salesperson is going to ask you what your name is, and then each time they want to address you, they will use it. Any quality e-commerce website is going to utilize personalization. This is an effective way to make every customer feel special and important.

When you begin creating a “sign up” feature for your website, be sure you add a name field. Personalization is a huge selling feature – take advantage of it.

2. List Your Bestselling Products on Your Homepage

Just like at a typical retail location, your bestselling products are going to be most appealing to your shoppers. Presenting these items immediately, on your homepage, is going to encourage them to keep browsing.

Also, by selling these bestselling items, you can save your customers time. It will also help them make the right choice, as they are going to be able to get what they came for, rather than wasting their time on non-essential items.

3. Product Collections

Have you ever thought about bundling up your similar items and products in a single place? This is referred to as Product Collection. Products are able to be assembled based on sales discounts, new arrivals, festivals, the season, or anything else you would like to use. The biggest benefit of using a product collection is that they will rank extremely well in search engines.

However, it’s important that you keep updating or replacing these product collections regularly. This is going to help you retain new customers based on what they are interested in.

If you aren’t sure how to create these product collections, you can utilize the services of a professional web design company. They can help ensure you achieve the desired results.

4. Zoom Options for Your Pictures

Do you have images on your e-commerce store? Of course, you do!


The biggest and most common mistake made is not adding a zoom feature to your images. No one is going to buy a product without first looking into the details. This is a crucial web design feature you should not forget about.

Even at a traditional retail store, people are going to examine an item before they buy it. This shows how important putting the zoom option on the page is. It makes your customers more comfortable and confident in the purchase they are about to make.

5. Shipping Details

In most cases, it’s highly advisable for you to add a delivery option or shipping details at the very top of your website. In fact, most e-commerce stores will pin this vital information in the header.


It’s absolutely essential that you give full and accurate information regarding shipping costs based on a customer’s geographical location. The best option is to offer free shipping, as it will help you attract even more people to your site.

6. Feedback and Contact Info

You need to make it easy for customers to figure out how they can contact you. This is an essential trust factor that you can’t afford to overlook.

If something happens to go wrong, your customer has an easy way to let you know. With your contact information readily available, you can sustain a long-term relationship with all your customers – new and old. The majority of successful e-commerce development services are also going to provide a feedback option. This allows your customers to speak/chat with you if they have any questions.

If you can’t chat with them, a feature to provide feedback will likely be enough. It’s important to monitor these feedback forms regularly and provide timely replies for best results.

7. Sharing Options

There are many e-commerce websites that make a big deal about adding a sharing feature. It’s a smart move.

Share blog posts

You should add short links featuring a share option. This is going to give your customers the opportunity to let other people know about what you have to offer. Today, having this sharing feature present is a huge plus.

You also need to make sure that your site is mobile-friendly. More and more people are using mobile devices to shop online today, than ever before.

E-commerce Website Development: Make Yours Great

When it comes to e-commerce website development, there are several strategies you can use to help ensure your efforts are successful. Be sure to keep the tips and information here in mind.

If you want to create an e-commerce website that helps you get the desired results, then consider giving our plugin a test drive. We can help you get the results you want, for a price you can afford. The key is to use the tools and methods that are available.

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Published on April 1, 2019 by Peter Hughes; modified on July 19, 2024. Filed under: .

Peter Hughes is a digital marketing consultant and author. Peter has more than 10 years of experience in SEO and Internet marketing.

2 Replies to “The 7 Keys to Effective eCommerce Website Development”

  1. Great article! Thank you for your blog. Such an informative and useful blog. It contains very useful and detailed information on The 7 Keys to Effective eCommerce Website Development. You have explained all the points very neatly and clearly and it was very interesting to read and easy to understand as you have included good content and very good images. I enjoyed reading your blog.

  2. Excellent tips for developing an eCommerce website. It is useful for both the designer and developer. anyhow i have question for you, would you consider a content management system for an eCommerce website over a custom coded one? i expect your valuable input on this. Thank you

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