FAQ tab

Do you have a video to help me get started?

We sure do! Getting started with the UnderConstructionPage plugin. If that doesn’t help we also have an in-depth video walkthrough. In case you’re still uncertain about something don’t hesitate to contact our friendly support.

How can I check if construction mode is really enabled on my site?

If the under construction status is green in the admin bar (the very top of the page), then it’s enabled. But we made a tool specifically for these kinds of situations so you can double-check everything. Run under construction mode tester.

How can I work on my site while construction mode is enabled?

Make sure your user role (probably admin) is selected under Access – Whitelisted User Roles and open the site while logged in.

How can I log in / access WordPress admin after construction mode has been enabled?

Enable the Login Button option under Content, and a login link will be shown in the lower right corner of the under construction page.

How do I add my logo to the page?

Head over to Content and click Add Media. Upload/select the logo, position it as you see fit and add other content.

I’ve made changes to UCP, but they are not visible. What do I do?

Click Save Changes button one more time. Open your site and force refresh browser cache (Ctrl or Shift + F5). If that doesn’t help it means you have a caching plugin installed. Purge/delete cache in that plugin or disable it.

How can I get more designs? Where do I download them?

We update the plugin regularly and each update comes with at least one new theme/design. If you want more design templates or option to create one from scratch, please UnderConstructionPage PRO.

How can I edit designs?

There is an option to add custom CSS. If you want more than that you will have to edit the source files located in /under-construction-page/themes/.If you want more control over the design, please see all the design options you get with UnderConstructionPage PRO.

I have disabled UCP but the under construction page is still visible. How do I remove it?

Open your site and force refresh browser cache (Ctrl or Shift + F5). If that doesn’t help it means you have a caching plugin installed. Purge/delete cache in that plugin or disable it. If that fails too contact your hosting provider and ask to empty the site cache for you.

I have disabled UCP but the site’s favicon is still the UCP logo. How do I change/remove it?

Make sure your theme has a favicon defined and empty all caches – browser and server ones. Open the site and force refresh browser cache (Ctrl or Shift + F5). If that doesn’t help it means you have a caching plugin installed. Purge/delete cache in that plugin or disable it. If that fails too contact your hosting provider and ask to empty the site cache for you.

Documentation didn't help? Contact support!

Customers who purchased and have a valid PRO license - contact our support via the contact for built into the plugin or use the general contact form. If you're using the later method please include your license key in the message or contact us via the email address used when purchasing. This speeds things along.

Using the free version? We have you covered too. Head over to the forums. First look at older threads and if you don't find anything useful open a new thread. Support is community-powered so it can take some time to get an answer. If you need premium support this second - upgrade to PRO.