7 Easy Ways to Use Creative Presentation Templates to Power Your Content Marketing Campaign

Can presentation templates benefit your content marketing campaigns? Yes! We explain how in the text below.

Great presentations are more than just a good way to present something to your target audience. Many marketers use them in their content marketing campaigns, but most still haven’t figured out all the great uses of a presentation.

Now you’re probably thinking – making one is a lot of work. Why and how would I find the time to create presentations for every stage of the process?

Let’s start with the answer to this question.

An easy way to successful presentation-making

The answer is very simple – you’ll find amazing templates that allow you to craft presentations for every purpose with ease. That’s where Pitch comes in handy – a site that offers you a presentation template for every purpose and need. It’s as simple as it sounds. You pick one you like and turn it into the tool you need to plan or execute your content campaign. Their creations are professionally designed, look amazing, and are fully and easily customizable.

Now that you know where you can find your presentation templates, it’s time to learn how you can use them.

Ways to use presentations for your content marketing campaign

The following are some amazing uses of presentations in content marketing. Keep in mind that your options are not limited to these, though.

1. Plan your content marketing strategies/campaign

Templates are amazing for creating something that you present to others. Isn’t that what presentations are all about?

It is not. Many marketers today use AI presentations as a resource for planning their strategies and campaigns. There’s a lot to learn – and achieve – when you have it all right there in front of you.

Content marketing strategies take a lot of planning. You need to identify the right keywords, find great writers, figure out how to promote and distribute the content (not to mention where to put it). With a customized presentation template, you can tackle any of these points.

Man giving presentation

This is an excellent tool for the visualization and organization of your entire campaign. It’s a perfect planning tool not only for internal planning, i.e., your work and that of the team but also for communication with clients and stakeholders.

Once you create the presentation in the planning stage, you can use it to brainstorm ideas, come up with a schedule, and even give your potential clients a peek at what you’re about to offer them.

2. Define the buyer persona

Also known as the audience or marketing persona, this is an image of who your ideal customer would be, i.e., what they need, how they want it when they need it, and more.

Unless you know this, you won’t be able to create content that impresses and reaches the right audience.

Determining the buyer persona allows marketers to figure out what values their customers need, as well as figure out the best ways to convey the message. In return, this can boost conversions and sales, as well as content quality.

Pre-created presentations can help a lot in this. You can use them to build your content marketing plan based on what you know about your buyer persona. Look at this as a designed blueprint for organizing the information you’ve collected about your audience’s:

  • Purchase behaviors
  • Desires and needs
  • Interests
  • Demographics
  • Social media activity, and more.

3. Research your target audience

Learning who your target market includes is just one step. The next one is vital to the success of your content marketing strategy. It’s the research part that matters the most.

Your target market is the key to a successful content marketing strategy. Unless you know who you’re creating the content for, how can you appeal to your target audience?

In other words, the information you have on your audience should drive your entire content marketing strategy.

Believe it or not, even the use of expertly crafted professional presentation templates can aid this process, too. You can use a presentation to outline the key data, organize it into categories, and create valuable pointers for your future marketing decisions.

4. Set measurable goals and KPIs

Person drawing chart on whiteboard

If your brand, organization, or business runs without defined goals, this is like driving in an entirely unfamiliar place without a roadmap. Your odds of getting lost are huge, at least at some point.

Why is this important for your content marketing campaign?

Every content marketing campaign is doomed to fail without some planning and objectives. This is why one of your tasks as a marketer is to set KPIs to monitor and pinpoint the marketing goals. You’ll need to measure things like:

  • Product sales
  • Search traffic (especially organic)
  • Signups on the newsletter
  • Brand awareness changes

When you have goals in place and KPIs to measure, you will know exactly where your content marketing strategy stands, i.e., what works and what doesn’t. This becomes much clearer when you organize all that data in a presentation, which you can, of course, show to your team as guidance for future work.

5. Create content

Marketers don’t only use templates for actual presentations. These tools are often used for content creation. For example, a presentation template is great for creating infographics, presenting a case study, and working on ideas that you’ll have to present afterward to third parties.

To save valuable time, marketers create content directly in presentations. They work on the template, then edit their content, to finally simply customize it for various audiences.

Thanks to simple drag-and-drop and other intuitive features, presentation templates are great for content creation. You can use them to add visual elements, emphasize the key information, and organize the writing in a visually appealing way.

6. Organize your team

Nowadays, there are tons of ways and tools to assign tasks, keep track of, and communicate with your team. But, what exactly are you using to present the information to your team?

While you can use various platforms to share information and track the progress of your team, you still need something you can use to share key information with them. You need a medium for sharing the work guidelines, some tips and tricks, as well as important news with your team.

Team meeting

That thing can be a customizable presentation template.

This is a very practical approach. You can use templates to boost the onboarding process for new employees by sharing some tips and guidelines with them. You can make the general guidelines available to all in case they want to refer back to them in the future.

To be more specific, marketers can use templates to create presentations for tough tasks that require multiple undertakings to finish. You can use them to teach and train your team in a visual, engaging way.

7. Display the campaign’s results

Wondering how well your marketing efforts are paying off? This can only be checked if you add up the numbers. It requires putting them out there for you to see, calculate things and present the results. For this, you can easily customize a template and edit it whenever needed.

When you calculate results from your campaign or measure the KPIs set in the previous stages, there are many factors of uncertainty and things that change regularly. It’s a vital step – that of measuring the progress of your campaign, and a customizable template allows you to make adjustments whenever necessary.

Not only that, but when you need a report or presentation on the matter, you’ll need to only tweak some formatting features to make it presentable. This way, you’d be saving time and effort and have continuous access to the numbers you need.

Some tips for better template presentations

When you have a good, customizable template to use, half of the work is done for you. Still, this doesn’t mean that you won’t have to put effort into making your presentation the best it can be. Here are a few tips that can help you customize the templates and create amazing presentations:

  • Highlight the key points. Presentations aren’t a place where you get into details but a visual way to present the key ideas. In most cases, the key points are found on the screen, while it is the presenter’s job to explain them further. There’s no point in entering endless text in your presentation if you plan to be there to explain it to others.
  • Make the text readable. This sounds obvious, but when trying to find an appealing and fun text, many make their presentations hard to read – especially from afar. Try to stick to the classic fonts such as Arial, Cambria, or Times New Roman if unsure.
  • Make it concise. Long presentations can overwhelm the listeners and make them lose focus. People expect your presentations to be clear, concise, and to the point. Exclude any information that might not be relevant or is not necessary.
  • Pick your colors wisely. Part of template customization is color. There are many decisions to be made here: background color, text color, visuals, and more. Find complementary colors and shades to make it visually appealing.

Presentation design statistics

  • Use white space. White space is one of the strongest tools for creating visually appealing content. This applies to presentations, too. Use white space properly to make the presentation clearer and better to the eye.

There you have it – the ultimate presentation guide. Now that you have gone through it pick your favorite templates to ease every part of the content marketing process.

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Published on October 19, 2021 by Peter Hughes; modified on June 13, 2024. Filed under: , , .

Peter Hughes is a digital marketing consultant and author. Peter has more than 10 years of experience in SEO and Internet marketing.

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