Creating a Successful Video Marketing Strategy: Tips and Tricks

Video content marketing is a trending marketing method. It uses the strategy of creating, producing, and sharing different types of videos. The content goal is to attract leads to your brand and turn them into customers. Your brand benefits from improved conversions, more traffic, and personalization of your brand. A report by Digital Asset Management shows that 36% of marketers agree videos have one of the best ROI.

Compared to other marketing methods, 91% of online audiences want to view more videos. What makes your video marketing strategy successful are the goals you build and the value of the content you create. You must choose your distribution channels and your target audience wisely. Here are tips to help create a high-performing video content strategy.

What types of businesses may benefit from a digital video marketing strategy?

Based on the HubSpot report, 91% of brands use digital video marketing as a customer attraction tool. However, some types of industries have recorded greater results in the recent past. Here are the greatest beneficiaries.

Video marketing statistics

Technology industry

The technology sector is one of the greatest beneficiaries of video marketing. Companies such as Apple, Microsoft, Alphabet Inc., Google, and IBM use digital video marketing to attract large traffic. They engage in commercial video production to showcase their technology in use and inspire a call to action. They optimize them with SEO to build a large community of potential customers.

The popularity of video content online is growing daily. To maximize the impact of your videos, ensure you add good musical content. Many streaming platforms offer different types of music. However, you need to find a piece that will make your videos thought-provoking and catchy. You can learn how to download from SoundCloud and choose quality musical accompaniment for your videos. You can get thousands of unique non-mainstream songs that perfectly match your video content from this resource.

Real estate

Real estate companies use videos to showcase their properties on sale, lease, or rental. Each company optimizes its video marketing funnel to take audiences through a tour of its properties.

Healthcare sector

Healthcare brands add videos to their video marketing funnel to share testimonials, the impact of their services, and expertise. They help increase brand awareness, credibility, and trust.

Finance sector

The finance sector benefits most from promotional videos. They increase brand awareness and create a good impression. This builds better relationships with their customers.

Many other business sectors benefit most from high-performing video content. They include the education sector, travel and hospitality, SaaS, auto, and e-commerce.

How to get started with a video marketing strategy

If you decide you add video to your content strategy, there are several things that you need to give attention to. Statistics by Wyzowl show more than 80% of marketers say videos boost lead generation and sales. Here are tips to help you get started with your video marketing strategy.


  • Have a plan and goals. Video marketing goes beyond video production and uploading online. You need to create a strategic plan and have goals to follow. Decide when you want to start your video production, the type of content to include, and its purpose.


  • Start with what you know. Your video strategy is a learning process but start with the ideas and knowledge you already have. Start with simple videos and add them to your video marketing funnel.


  • Search things out. Research should be part of your video strategy. Understand how to create quality videos and the video content marketing metrics to use.


  • Work with a team. It is beneficial to add video to your content strategy. However, work with a team to gain greater success. It will help you brainstorm, get new ideas, and identify bottlenecks.

Types of video content for different audiences

Your video marketing funnel may contain different types of videos. Consider your marketing goals, audience, budget, and channel before you choose a video type. They include:

  • Educational videos. Informs audiences about products
  • Social media videos. Posted on social channels to create awareness and promote sharing.
  • Behind the scenes. Showcases what happens during product production
  • Brand videos. Showcases brand values and vision through stories.
  • Explainers and tutorials. Explains how to do things or use products.


Ways to decide which type of videos to use in marketing

Before you add video to your content strategy, first decide the type of videos to use. It helps you to decide the type of video production to engage in. Different strategies can help you make the decision.

  • Your buyer’s persona. Your buyer’s persona should come first. Know who will use your marketing videos and their traits.
  • Your marketing goals. Decide whether you want to increase lead generation, brand awareness, conversion, or retention.
  • Your budget. Choose a video content type that is within your budget.
  • Your resources. Know the video production resources you have

How to craft your video content marketing strategy and succeed

You need to plan, set your objectives, and find an audience to consume your video content. Make realistic goals that fit into your business size and have the right video content marketing metrics.

Use different types of video content

Your buyer’s persona is important but reach them out with different types of videos. It improves engagement, and traffic, and attracts different types of audiences. Include videos such as:

  • Case studies
  • Social media content
  • Explainer videos
  • Memes
  • Interviews
  • Infographics

Use personalization

The main purpose of your goals is to attract traffic. You should aim to connect with your audiences at a personalized level. Tailor your videos to the individual watching them and speak to them directly. It increases engagement, satisfaction, loyalty, and conversion.

Build a simple but working strategy

Have a solution to a seamless flow of video content. It should start from the video production to the distribution phase. To get the best results, work with a team. They can help make your content creation process better. Ensure you have the tools that you need. To measure success, have effective video content marketing metrics in place. Together with your team, create a consistent posting schedule.

Leverage user-generated content

UGC encourages sharing and brand trust. Find UGC opportunities across your channels and start your UGC campaigns. The best UGC strategy is to ask your audiences to create videos using your products and share them.

Use SEO to optimize videos

SEO optimization helps your audiences to locate your content with ease. It boosts ranking and increases traffic. Strategically add keywords that resonate with your audiences.

SEO benefits

Use automation tools

Marketing automation tools are a technology that removes manual repetitive processes in your marketing strategy. Marketers can use them to automate campaigns, score leads, track success, and build stronger customer relationships.

Evaluate success

Success evaluation is a critical aspect of video marketing. Some of the video content marketing metrics include time on page, total views, and clicks. You can also measure cost per lead, customer acquisition cost, and ROI.


Your video marketing strategy complements your other marketing strategies. They help build customer trust, generate leads, and increase retention. When you add video to your content strategy, it increases brand appeal and the time customers spend on your website. Video production and sharing offer a visual experience to your online audiences. It creates an immersive experience that increases audience attention and action. Your brand benefits from increased revenue, sales, SEO growth, and conversions.

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Published on September 8, 2023 by Adnan Mujic; modified on May 20, 2024. Filed under: , , , , .

I am a committed and seasoned content creator with expertise in the realms of technology, marketing, and WordPress. My initial foray into the world of WordPress occurred during my time at WebFactory Ltd, and my involvement in this field continues to grow. Armed with a solid background in electrical engineering and IT, coupled with a fervor for making technology accessible to the masses, my goal is to connect intricate technical ideas with approachable and captivating content.

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