How to Use Command Line Arguments in a Bash Script

When writing Bash scripts, it is often necessary to pass data to the script during execution without modifying the script itself. This is where command-line arguments come into play. By utilizing these arguments, you can create flexible and dynamic scripts that operate differently based on user input.

Understanding Command Line Arguments

Command-line arguments are parameters that are passed to a script when it is executed. In Bash, these arguments are represented by special variables:

  • $0 – The name of the script itself.
  • $1, $2, $3, ... – Positional parameters representing arguments from the command line.
  • $# – The total number of arguments passed.
  • $@ – All arguments as a single string.
  • $* – Similar to $@, but with differences in behavior when quoted.
  • $? – The exit status of the last command executed.

How to Use Command Line Arguments in a Bash Script

To illustrate how arguments work in a Bash script, let’s look at a simple example. Suppose we have the following script:

echo "Script name: $0"  
echo "First argument: $1"  
echo "Second argument: $2"  
echo "Total number of arguments: $#"  

Save this script as and make it executable using:

chmod +x

Now, execute the script with some arguments:

./ Hello World

The output will be:

Script name: ./  
First argument: Hello  
Second argument: World  
Total number of arguments: 2
Line Lenght

Iterating Over Multiple Arguments

If your script needs to process multiple arguments dynamically, a loop is useful. Here’s how you can iterate over all arguments:

echo "All arguments passed:"  
for arg in "$@"; do  
    echo "$arg"  

Using Named Arguments with Flags

For more structured scripts, you may want to provide named arguments using flags. The getopts command helps with this:

while getopts "n:a:" opt; do  
  case "$opt" in  
    n) name=$OPTARG ;;  
    a) age=$OPTARG ;;  
    ?) echo "Usage: $0 -n [name] -a [age]" ;;  
echo "Name: $name"  
echo "Age: $age"

Running this script as follows:

./ -n Alice -a 30


Name: Alice  
Age: 30
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Handling Missing Arguments

It is important to check whether required arguments are provided. Here’s an example of handling missing arguments gracefully:

if [ $# -lt 2 ]; then  
    echo "Usage: $0  "  
    exit 1  
echo "Argument 1: $1"  
echo "Argument 2: $2"

If the user provides fewer than two arguments, the script displays an error message and exits with a non-zero status.

Using Shift to Process Arguments

The shift command can be used to discard processed arguments and move to the next one:

while [ $# -gt 0 ]; do  
    echo "Processing argument: $1"  

This script will process each argument sequentially and remove it from the list as it moves forward.


Incorporating command-line arguments allows Bash scripts to be more interactive and versatile. By using positional parameters, loops, and argument flags, you can create scripts that handle a variety of inputs effectively. Learning these techniques is essential for writing powerful automation scripts in any Linux environment.

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Published on February 28, 2025 by Ethan Martinez. Filed under: .

I'm Ethan Martinez, a tech writer focused on cloud computing and SaaS solutions. I provide insights into the latest cloud technologies and services to keep readers informed.