How To Send Voice Messages On Discord (Mobile & PC)

Discord, a popular communication platform for gamers and communities, offers many features to enhance your chatting experience. One such feature is the ability to send voice messages, allowing you to communicate with your friends or members of a server in a more dynamic and personal way. In addition to voice messaging, Discord also offers various other features to improve user experience. Take, for example, business process automation software, which can help streamline tasks and increase efficiency in a workplace setting. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll walk you through the steps to send voice messages on Discord, both on mobile devices and PCs.

Sending voice messages on Discord is simple: just tap and hold the microphone icon on mobile or use the push-to-talk key on PC. Make sure your message is clear and concise, especially if you’re discussing important matters like instant approval loans.

Sending Voice Messages on Mobile

Sending Voice Messages on Mobile

Step 1: Open Discord and Select a Channel

1. Launch the Discord app on your mobile device.

2. Navigate to the server and channel where you want to send the voice message.

Step 2: Access the Voice Messaging Feature

1. Tap on the text box at the bottom of the screen where you normally type messages.

2. You’ll notice a small microphone icon to the right of the text box. Hold down this icon to start recording your voice message.

Step 3: Record Your Voice Message

1. While holding down the microphone icon, begin speaking your message.

2. Release the icon when you’re finished recording. The message will automatically send.

Step 4: Listen to Voice Messages

1. When someone sends you a voice message, you’ll see a play button next to it.

2. Tap the play button to listen to the message.

Sending Voice Messages on PC

Step 1: Open Discord and Select a Channel

1. Launch the Discord application on your PC.

2. Navigate to the server and channel where you want to send the voice message.

Step 2: Access the Voice Messaging Feature

1. Click on the text box at the bottom of the screen where you normally type messages.

2. You’ll see a small microphone icon to the right of the text box. Click on this icon to start recording your voice message.

Step 3: Record Your Voice Message

1. While holding down the microphone icon, begin speaking your message.

2. Release the icon when you’re finished recording. The message will automatically send.

Step 4: Listen to Voice Messages

1. When someone sends you a voice message, you’ll see a play button next to it.

2. Click the play button to listen to the message.

Tips for Sending Voice Messages on Discord

Tips for Sending Voice Messages on Discord

1. Keep it Concise: While there’s no strict time limit for voice messages on Discord, it’s good practice to keep them reasonably short to ensure they’re engaging and easy to listen to.

2. Listen and Respond: Remember to listen to voice messages sent to you and respond accordingly. This fosters healthy and engaging conversations.

3. Check Your Settings: Ensure that your microphone is properly set up and that Discord has access to it in your device settings.

4. Consider Privacy: Be mindful of the content of your voice messages, especially if you’re on a public or shared server. Always respect others’ privacy and preferences.

5. Edit and Retry: Discord allows you to listen to your voice message before sending it. If you’re not happy with how it turned out, you can re-record it before sending it.

Troubleshooting Tips

If you encounter issues while sending voice messages, here are some troubleshooting tips:

– Check Microphone Settings: Make sure your microphone is properly connected and selected in your device’s audio settings.

– Update Discord: Ensure you have the latest version of Discord installed on your device, as older versions may have compatibility issues.

– Restart Discord: Sometimes, a simple restart of the application can resolve minor glitches.

– Check Internet Connection: A stable internet connection is crucial for sending voice messages. Ensure you’re connected to a reliable network.

– Clear Cache: If you’re using Discord in a browser, clearing your browser’s cache may help resolve any technical issues.


Sending voice messages on Discord can add a personal touch to your conversations and make communication more dynamic. Whether you’re using the mobile app or the PC version, the process is straightforward and user-friendly. By following the steps outlined in this guide and keeping the tips and troubleshooting advice in mind, you’ll be sending voice messages on Discord like a pro in no time. Happy chatting!

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Published on November 5, 2023 by Antonia Zivcic; modified on May 6, 2024. Filed under: , .

I'm Antonia, a copywriter with over five years of experience in the industry. I find joy in exploring a wide array of topics through my writing. It's my passion to create engaging and compelling content that resonates with readers.

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