Experience Matters: How to Become a UX Designer

Looking to become an UX designer? Here are some of the basic steps you should take on the road there.

Learning how to become a UX designer can allow you access to many job opportunities. While UX might not have been a hot topic in the past, now — it’s all the rage.

Don’t get hung up because you aren’t sure how to get started. We can help.

Continue reading this article and learn how to become a user experience designer, and get computer science homework help today.

Understand What UX Design Is

Before you can be a great UX designer and work at a top UX design company, you have to understand what UX design is. When you understand what UX design is, you’ll be able to understand why it is so important.

UX Design is when you work to design a website or app that serves the user in the best way possible. Your goal is to make every step of the user experience as seamless and simple as possible. Making sure a visitor enjoys their experience on the way to their end goal is just as important as helping them achieve their end goal.

User Experience

Let’s say you go to a website that sells the product you want. The only problem is that their site navigation is complicated and you have to go to multiple pages to find information on the single product you’re interested in purchasing. While you do get the product you want, it took a lot of time and was pretty frustrating.

On the other hand, if you go to a website, type in your query, navigate to the product and find the description and purchase process easy, you achieve the same result but you’re probably in a better mood.

UX for Mobile App Development

One of the areas that have been growing significantly these past few years and are in dire need of UX designers is app development. Specializing in UX for mobile apps can give you an edge when companies are hiring a team of app developers. One needs to note that there are several differences between designing for web and designing for mobile apps.

Starting Your Journey to Being a UX Designer

While being a UX designer can pay a good amount of money, that isn’t enough reason to want to become one. Let’s get into what to do as your journey to being a UX designer.

Determine Why You Want to Be a UX Designer

Before you get started on your journey, it is important that you determine your motivation. This job does pay in the 6 figures in many cases but you have to have more motivation than money if you want to make it to that level.

Put down your top reasons why you want to be a UX designer and keep sticky notes with why you’re on this mission so when you’re learning all the new essentials, you will keep going.

Read Books & Take Courses

Read popular books and take courses on the topic. You can find considerably inexpensive books that will teach you the basics of UX design. You can find books on all levels so start at the newbie level and continue to up the difficulty as needed.

Learn about design

Taking online courses is often low-cost and will teach you some much-needed skills.

Learn How to Use Popular Design Tools

When you want to be at the top of your UX design game, you need to have the right tools behind you. You’ll need to at least learn the basics for tools like Photoshop and Illustrator.

When you use high-quality design tools, your designs look better but the whole process is easier for you to accomplish. When you make your design process easier, you can get more done in less time.

Create Your Portfolio & Resume

Even if you don’t have any official work yet, you can fill your portfolio with your own designs that you’ve created for showing off your mad skills. To manage all sorts of portfolios, consider using monday.com.

Don’t forget to create a resume even though there might not be a lot to put down, it’s an important part of the job applying process.

Practice & Hone Your Skills on the Job

Learn on the Job

When you’re getting started, you might have to take some low paying jobs to get some experience. When you take these jobs, you’ll be able to practice and hone your skills and bring home a paycheck too. Win!

Follow Popular Design & UX Blogs & Social Media Accounts

There are many blogs and social media accounts that are dedicated to UX design and you can learn a lot from a simple tweet or facebook update.

Continue The Learning Journey

When you work in a field like UX design, there is always something new to learn. Technology changes, people grow and develop, and there are new products available.

If you don’t keep up with what is happening right now, you’ll be left in the dark. Even a couple of months without continued education can make you feel like a dinosaur when you’re in a conversation with someone that is in the know.

When you can, attend conferences and talk with other people that have similar jobs. The more you know, the easier it is for you to provide the best work for your employer or UX clientele.

How to Become a UX Designer – Now You Know

Now that you know how to become a UX designer, it’s time to get to work. There are plenty of job opportunities available but you’ve got to start at the beginning and get the necessary training.

Looking for more information to help you on your journey? We have many more articles along the same lines that can help you with business and life in general. Browse our site, find your favorite section, drop a bookmark and come back soon for more great reads.

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Published on October 17, 2019 by Peter Hughes; modified on August 20, 2024. Filed under: , , .

Peter Hughes is a digital marketing consultant and author. Peter has more than 10 years of experience in SEO and Internet marketing.

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