Website Design Magazines to Start Following

Lacking design ideas for your next project? Check out these magazines!

We receive inspiration through many outlets. It could be within ourselves, through other people, or by observing certain things.

Rather than mimic something that inspires us, we take that inspiration and form something new.

Creativity comes in many forms. Maybe you have a knack for designs web designs. Is it your goal to continuously improve?

Taking a look at other website design magazines is the perfect way to wake you up anytime you need the motivation.

The Top Website Design Magazines

In order for a website to be attractive, you have to do several things. One of the most important steps to note is visually attracting those who stumble upon your site. Therefore, web design is crucial.

Creating a website from scratch relies on understanding HTML and knowing what CSS is.

When you want your website to be successful, you also have to think about what visitors are looking for. You cannot always depend on what you want to do alone. When you understand these reasons and why they are important, you’ll drive your website to success.

The Verge

The Verge

The Verge has an interesting web design layout that is a perfect mix of minimalist meet modernization. It appears as a jigsaw puzzle, yet one that takes you to where you want to go seamlessly. The vibrant colors are extremely appealing, as well as the overall square shape that is used.

The design is organized in every detail, down to the thumbnail. This layout speaks for itself and has managed to be one of a kind.



The clean-looking layout that Wired uses is more than the white plain design you see when you look at it. It gives off an upgraded newspaper feel. The information provided is divided into columns that make it easy to view and read on the website.

One of the most notable pluses about the website is its font use. The varied font sizes are a marker that expresses exactly what the website intends. The consistency of this web design gives is addicting enough to make you return— as intended.



Time magazine makes it clear they work hard to provide visitors with great web design. The visuals they provide users are amazing. The website even allows users to customize what they want to see.

The layout is presented in many ways, depending on choice. None are dull or take away from an organized appearance.

Vanity Fair

Vanity Fair

Vanity Fair did a recent update on its’ design, and the new change is inviting. The readability is enhanced thanks to their excellent job at using vertical columns that provide depth and length.

They also made sure to consider their mobile users who visit the platform. The ease of navigation is amazing, no matter the device.

Working as a Web Designer

Website design magazines are fun to look artistically. However, you can always take that artistic excitement and turn it into something more when you also complete designs for work or as a hobby.

It is rewarding to continuously improve yourself in web design. Your goal may be purely personal completion. It may be competition to improve in your career and step up the ladder. Maybe you just want to get your name out there, whether it is on a small or large scale. Who knows maybe you could become the next web design prodigy.

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Published on May 29, 2020 by Peter Hughes. Filed under: , , .

Peter Hughes is a digital marketing consultant and author. Peter has more than 10 years of experience in SEO and Internet marketing.

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