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Using SMS Marketing to Notify Subscribers About Site Updates and Launches

There are many marketing channels you can use to communicate with your customers. This includes emails, social media posts, blog articles, and web push notifications. But if you’re looking to share site updates and upcoming product or feature launches with your customers, SMS marketing is the best way to get the job done. This post will cover the benefits of using SMS for this specific use case and the best tips to create SMS messages that will be opened, read, and acted upon. Let’s get into it.

Benefits of Using SMS for Site Updates and Launches

A common trait about site updates and launches is that they’re time-sensitive. As a result, you’ll need a communication channel that delivers your messages straight to your customers, as quickly as possible.

And as we hinted earlier, the SMS channel fits the bill perfectly. Let’s take a closer look at the benefits of SMS marketing and why it’s the best channel for time-sensitive content like site updates and launches.

1. Immediate reach

Unlike social media, blog posts, and push notifications, SMS messages are delivered straight to your customer’s phone. And you don’t need to worry about messages getting caught in the spam folder, which is a common issue with bulk messages sent via email.

Additionally, the SMS space is less crowded. This means you’re not competing for attention with a dozen other brands, and your customer is likely to see your message.

2. High open rates

If your messages reach your customers’ phones, they’re more likely to open them. Gartner found that the open rates of SMS messages can get up to 98%, which is much higher than the 20% open rates you get with emails. This guarantees that your customers get “almost” real-time updates and are always in the loop.

3. Better conversion rates

By their nature, SMS messages are simple, short, and include one call-to-action (CTA). This means customers are more likely to read them and take any action you want them to, whether it’s making a purchase or providing feedback on your latest site updates.

4. Cost-effective

SMS marketing pricing is generally affordable and flexible. The cost per message is relatively low and you only pay for the messages you send. Given the high open and conversion rates of SMS marketing, the return on investment (ROI) will likely be higher than the other marketing channels in your arsenal. This makes your little investment in this channel so worth it.

Tips for Creating Effective and Actionable SMS Messages

As we’ve discussed, using the SMS marketing channel comes with its own benefits. However, if you don’t pay attention to how you craft your messages, you’ll be leaving a lot of money on the table. Or worse, customers will start to ignore your messages or unsubscribe. And you don’t want that.

So, here are some tips to keep in mind as you write your SMS messages:

1. Keep it short and sweet

You only have 160 characters to write an SMS message. So focus on sharing one update (whether it’s promoting a new product or announcing an upcoming site maintenance), get straight to the point, and use simple words. Plus, format your message (with bold, italic, underline, line breaks, or emojis) to make it easier to read. However, be careful not to overdo it.

2. Use a simple and clear CTA

If there’s an action you want your customers to take after reading your message, mention it at the end of your message and start with an action word. For example:

3. Personalize your messages

SMS messages are a very personal way to connect with your customers, so ensure it feels that way. Address your customer by their first name and celebrate birthdays or national holidays with them. For example, “Hi [Name], we’ve just launched [product/feature] that you’ll love!” or “Happy Birthday [Name]! Here’s a $10 gift coupon from us to you!”

Segmenting your audience based on certain behaviors (like product purchases or links clicked in a message) also helps with personalizing your messages. This could go like “Hi [Name]! We saw you bought our [previous product], and we thought you’d love [new product] too. Check it out!”

4. Be timely

Besides the content of your message, you want to send it at a time when your customers are most likely to read them. So, consider the time zone of your customers and avoid sending these messages too early in the morning or late at night. Some even recommend the best time is between 8AM and 9PM.

5. Test and optimize

There are many factors that contribute to your SMS messages having high open and conversion rates. So, if you want to optimize your results, you have to regularly test different versions of your messages to see which ones perform best.

And how do you determine performance? By paying attention to key metrics like open rates and click through rates.


SMS is an effective communication tool, especially in situations where time is of the essence,— think product or feature launches, site maintenance updates, customer surveys, and flash sales.

Besides using the SMS channel, you need to ensure you’re delivering your messages in the right way. The tips we’ve shared are a great place to start. So go ahead and apply them, and watch your customer satisfaction levels and revenue rise to the top.

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