How to Make an M-Commerce Mobile App for Your Business

If you run a business, then having an m-commerce mobile app is essential. Learn how to create one in this article!

With the rapid rise of mobile apps, e-commerce has quickly moved to smartphone screens. Business Insider predicts m-commerce to constitute 44% of all e-commerce by 2024, and software companies respond by showcasing their experience with this type of apps. Check out this link to learn more about m-commerce app development services:

In this article, we will give a brief overview of the development milestones and the general concepts you need to consider when building an m-commerce application.

Analyze Your Target Audience

People examining chart

Understanding your target audience is essential to building a successful m-commerce application, especially a mobile app for events, that will gain a chance of being noticed among hundreds of similar apps on the market.

Start by conducting research and studying your competitors to figure out which demographic constitutes your target audience. Don’t rely on assumptions—investing resources into surveys and comprehensive analysis will yield better results in the long run.

A correctly identified target audience will give you an idea of what the message, marketing, functionality, and overall design of the app should be.

Identify the Key Features for the App

In m-commerce, it is incredibly difficult to come up with a unique piece of functionality. Focus on making your app useful, easy to navigate, and pleasant to interact with instead of packing it with quirky features for the sake of originality.

Also, keep in mind the needs of your target audience when pinpointing the key aspects of functionality. According to one episode of the Project Management Podcast, you can treat each functionalities as a project milestone.

Depending on how specific your vision is, you can simply write down a list of features or add how you want them to be implemented.

Choose a Platform

Mobile app development

The choice of the platform will depend on your target audience. In most cases, building for Android and iOS is a good option, particularly if you decide to use cross-platform development frameworks.

Also, consider adapting your app to run on smartwatches and other wearable devices, as the Internet of Things is growing rapidly, and having this functionality in store can help you gain an edge in the future.

Calculate the Budget and Deadlines

Consider the functionality, platform, and technologies that you’ve chosen for this project to assess the necessary budget and deadlines. Keep in mind that this step is dynamic, and you may need to adjust both of these elements in the process. In particular, adding or modifying features when the creation of your app is already in progress frequently adds development time and expenses.

Choose the Development Route

Man using black marker

When it comes to mobile app development, you have three primary development options.

An In-House Team

You can delegate the project to a team of mobile developers if your company has one. This option gives you the most control over the process, and the results will most frequently be incredibly well-suited to the company’s needs, as the developers will have extensive knowledge of your business.

However, most startups, small businesses, and enterprises not specialized in software development don’t benefit from maintaining a dedicated department of programmers. If this applies to your business, outsourcing this project is a better solution.

A Mobile App Development Company

Finding an ecommerce app development company with expertise in building m-commerce applications is one of the best development solutions. At the initial stages, the company that you pick will assist you in deciding what technologies and frameworks to choose. The team will also conduct and manage the development process with little intervention from your side.

Although working with another company may seem costly, the quality of the app and the speed of work will justify the budget requirements.

Woman coding

Mobile App Development Tools

In 2020, the number of services that allow you to create a mobile app with little programming experience is skyrocketing. Most of these builders have the pre-coded drag-and-drop functionality that helps construct a simple and beautiful app in no time.

This software also aims to minimize the amount of technical and design knowledge that you need to have. If you can allocate some time to learning one of these platforms, it may be a viable option for an app with little complexity.

Using an app-builder for larger projects, however, may result in functionality and security problems, as well as pose significant scalability and maintenance challenges.

Wrapping Up

The competition in the m-commerce sector is enormous, with dozens of new apps being launched every day. For your app to reach its potential users and then retain them, you need to research your target audience thoroughly and adjust your functionality, choice of platform, and marketing to appeal to each of your target groups.

Once you figure out how to personalize the experience for your customers, proceed with selecting a development company or a service to create the app yourself.

Generally, mobile app development tools are helpful if you need to create a prototype of your app. To receive a stable, scalable, and secure solution, however, it’s best to collaborate with a professional team of developers.

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Published on August 25, 2020 by Peter Hughes; modified on June 22, 2024. Filed under: , , .

Peter Hughes is a digital marketing consultant and author. Peter has more than 10 years of experience in SEO and Internet marketing.

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