Link Building Guide: Tactics That Still Work in 2023

Link building is essential to any digital marketing strategy. It will help increase your website’s visibility and search engine rankings while driving more relevant traffic. As algorithms and technology continue to evolve in 2023, it’s increasingly important that businesses stay ahead of the curve by creating effective link-building campaigns that generate results. To ensure that your efforts are both modern and effective, consider partnering with a link building service agency that specializes in crafting customized strategies tailored to your business needs.

This guide will give you an in-depth look at link-building tactics that are still relevant in 2023 and how you can use them to boost your SEO efforts. We’ll cover everything from guest posting and broken link building to influencer outreach and content marketing. By the end of this guide, you’ll know exactly how to create an effective link-building strategy that will help your website stand out from the crowd.

Guest Posting

Have a Blog

Guest posting is when you write content for another website in exchange for a link to your own site. This tactic is still incredibly powerful and can help you build relationships with other websites while driving more traffic back to yours. When looking for guest post opportunities, focus on high-quality sites that are relevant to your niche and have a good reputation. Try contacting editors and webmasters directly or using services like HARO (Help A Reporter Out) to find potential matches.

Guest posting is one of the most popular link-building strategies, and it’s still very effective in 2023. According to a recent Authority Hacker survey, 64.9% of link builders actively employ guest posting as a link-building tactic.

Just make sure your content is unique, informative, and of high quality before submitting it to other sites for publication.

Publishing link-worthy content

Publishing interesting and link-worthy content is one of the best ways to generate organic links. Ensure you’re creating content that offers unique insights, solves problems, or provides in-depth information on a topic. The more valuable your content production is, the more likely people are to link back to it. It’s also important to ensure your content is well-optimized for search engines with relevant keywords and phrases so it can be easily found by potential readers.

Statistics data articles, interviews, and podcasts are all great content formats that tend to generate more backlinks than other types of content. You can also use visuals like infographics or videos to make your content easier to digest and more appealing. You can even use the help of AI writing software to optimize your articles.

With good content marketing, you can generate organic backlinks from reputable sources without having to invest in link-building tactics. This makes creating link-worthy content one of the most efficient link-building tactics that will still work in 2023.

Broken link building

Broken link building is a strategy that involves finding broken links on websites and replacing them with your own content. This can help you boost your search engine rankings as well as build relationships with other websites. First, use a tool like Ahrefs or Screaming Frog to find broken links on relevant sites, then contact the webmasters to let them know about the issue and offer a solution by linking back to one of your pages.

This tactic is still effective in 2023 but take care not to spam websites with too many requests. If you’re going to try it, make sure you find legitimate broken links and provide helpful solutions, so webmasters are more likely to accept your request.

Influencer Outreach

Woman influencer

Reaching out to influencers in your niche is also a great way to generate backlinks and increase exposure for your website. Influencers typically have huge followings, and their recommendations can go a long way in boosting traffic and sales.

You should start by identifying potential influencers who are already discussing topics related to your business or product. Then, reach out to these influencers directly with an offer of collaboration or an incentive like free products or services in exchange for a link back to your site. It’s important that you don’t come across as too pushy when doing this – be friendly and professional.

Using social media for link building

Social Media

Social media is one of the most powerful tools for generating backlinks and building relationships with other websites. Leverage popular platforms like Twitter, LinkedIn, and Instagram to connect with influencers, share your content, and build relationships with potential link partners.

You can also use social media to drive traffic to other websites by sharing their content using a link in bio tool or linking to them in your posts. This can help you earn over 20% more backlinks in return.

Just make sure that you’re only sharing relevant and high-quality content that adds value to the conversation.

Link builders that leverage social media in 2023 will have the edge over those who don’t, so make sure you take advantage of this powerful link-building platform.

Link exchange outreach

Link exchange outreach involves reaching out to other websites and asking them to link back to your site in exchange for you linking to theirs. While this tactic may seem basic, it can still be effective if done correctly.

When contacting potential link partners, make sure that the content on their website is relevant to yours and that they’re a reputable source. You should also explain why they should link back to you – what value are you providing? This will help increase the likelihood of them accepting your request.

When sending outreach emails, make sure to employ best email practices such as personalizing the email, being clear and concise, and providing incentives. This will help you make a good impression and increase your chances of success.


HARO (Help a Reporter Out) is an online platform that connects journalists and content writers with sources. By joining the platform, you can directly contribute to press releases, blog posts, and other forms of media. And by providing valuable information or expertise in response to reporter’s queries, you can earn backlinks from high-authority publications.

In 2023, HARO is still one of the best link-building strategies for businesses looking to generate backlinks from high-quality sources. Just make sure to read through each query carefully and provide detailed responses that are relevant to the topic at hand. This will ensure that your reply stands out and increases your chances of getting featured in a publication.

In most cases, HARO is free, but if you want access to more queries and faster response times, you can opt for their premium membership.

PR link-building campaigns

Social Media Calendar

Public relations (PR) link-building campaigns involve reaching out to journalists, writers, and bloggers to earn backlinks from their articles. This is another effective way to generate high-quality links as it allows you to tap into the existing audience of these publications – they already have an established readership that is interested in your topic or niche. This can include anything from brand-new statistics in energy savings to celebrity endorsements – every PR story has its audience!

When launching a PR link-building campaign, you should start by researching relevant publications and identifying potential partners. Then, reach out directly with a pitch that outlines why they should feature your content or business. Remember to be professional but also friendly and personalize each message as much as possible.

PR is one of the more time-consuming link-building strategies, but it can be worthwhile if done correctly. Just make sure to use best practices when reaching out and follow up with potential partners until you get a response.

These are just a few of the many link-building strategies that businesses can employ in 2023. While some may require more time and resources than others, they all have the potential to generate high-quality backlinks if done correctly. So, research each strategy carefully before deciding which one is right for your business.

Google’s algorithm keeps changing, so it is important to stay up-to-date with the latest link-building trends and adjust your strategy accordingly. By doing so, you’ll be able to ensure that your business stays one step ahead of the competition and gets the most out of its link-building efforts. Leverage these strategies and earn high-quality backlinks in 2023.

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Published on January 24, 2023 by Nina Medanić; modified on June 12, 2024. Filed under: .

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