Conversios Review: A Tool Your Ecommerce Store Needs

Want to improve your eCommerce store? Conversios is the plugin you need!

Optimizing your own business is a long and arduous process one must undertake if one wants to have continuous growth and neverending success.

That’s why utilizing plugins such as Conversios can be incredibly important, as they take care of some crucial background analytics and tracking while you can focus on growing and expanding your business. And they aren’t just helping you out by doing some trivial tasks; they essentially automate some of the most tedious tasks in eCommerce and save you a staggering amount of time.

The Hippoo WooCommerce app is an exceptional mobile app designed to streamline and simplify your WooCommerce shop’s order fulfillment, product management, inventory control, and more.



On that note, Conversios takes priority with the quality of features it provides. As a WordPress plugin, it doesn’t require expert coding knowledge to master it, which is incredibly important for newcomers to eCommerce as ease of use tends to trump the importance of overly complex and overbearing details. And don’t let the ease of use fool you into thinking that the addon is simplistic. Quite contrary, Conversios offers a plethora of features that cover all of your analytic needs and more.

Created by the prestigious Tatvic Analytics, Conversios already comes optimized for the Google Marketplace and Analytics as they have been a Google Partner for years on end. By using many tracking sources, Conversios presents you with an endless amount of easy-to-understand information that you may utilize to improve your business.

By integrating Conversios into your eCommerce website, you gain an incredible source of analytic features by way of Google Analytics. You’ll be able to find out what type of customer frequents your website, which would allow you to improve your business practices further. Knowing what your customer likes or dislikes doesn’t just mean that you can focus on specific demographics but instead generally improve your recommendation tabs as well. Another major benefit analytics tracking can have is gaining a unique customer experience.

Not only that, but if you know through analytics what your customer might want, you’ll be able to quicken the shopping process for your customer. And if your customers have an easy time finding their desired products, their satisfaction generally trends highly in reviews. Make sure to get more reviews by creating a Google review link. After all, nobody likes to search endlessly for their desired products.

Making decisions based on the data you are provided with is one of the most important tasks of a business owner, so such data must be reliable and trustworthy. Therefore the fact that Conversios is partnered with Google to provide you with the most accurate data possible is invaluable in improving your business.

Feature-wise Conversios aims to improve your website in a two-pronged move. Firstly by integrating Google Analytics and improving your tracking capabilities, and secondly, by helping you create automatic online shopping via Google’s marketplace.

Tracking Behavior During Shopping

One of the most important features Conversios offers is its Shopping Behavior Tracking. Through it, you’ll be able to monitor the trends in each step of your shopping process and see where your customers tend to drop off. Seeing what points of your website need further improvement is crucial so that you don’t waste time on the aspects that are working properly.

Not only can you improve the usability of the site but also where additional advertisements for your products may be placed.

Seeing a cheap recommended purchase near the end of the process has been proven to increase its sales. For a literal example, that’s why chewing gums and candy tend to be positioned on the checkouts of real stores. Applying such a strategy to your own eCommerce website may prove useful as long as you are aware of the data around your customer’s shopping process.

This especially applies if you’re trying to run a specialized goods store that may feature some items that are on the pricier side, as those stores can have major drop-off points from customers that are reevaluating their purchases. Therefore creating inviting discounts or special offers during your shopping process might entice them to continue with their purchase, effectively removing the issues that cause drop-offs.

Checkout Behavior Tracking

No matter how your website looks or how well (or unwell) it performs, there’s always one aspect of your website which must be impeccable. And that is its checkout phase. No customer would want to risk their money and info being compromised, so having a trustworthy checkout is imperative. So with Conversios, you’ll be able to monitor billing processes just in case issues arise so that you may deal with them quickly.

If you’re a small-time vendor who can only focus on a certain amount of product production, keeping track of what products are most popular at the checkout is invaluable. That way, you can scale up the supply of the most popular ones while shifting the production weight off of the less lucrative products. Conversios can even track each and every Add to Cart click so that you can even keep track of popular items without going through the entire checkout process. This can also help you lessen the number of drop-offs.

Up-To-Date Tracking Capabilities

As new technology keeps getting updated, so should your website. That’s why Conversios offers Dual Tracking capabilities which enable you to simultaneously track your analytics data through multiple analytic software options. This becomes especially important when you put Google Analytics 4 into play, as it is the latest and most advanced data tracking software on the market.

As it is quite new, a lot of websites still use Google Analytics 3, which may cause some incompatibility in tracking. That’s why the Dual Tracking feature is so important as it acts as a bridge between the versions giving you the ability to utilize both.

Linking Google’s Ads and Analytics via Dashboard

Conversios dynamic remarketing

Linking your website with Google Ads and Analytics is obviously crucial, but having it all in a handy dashboard, now that’s the extra layer Conversios excels in. Having all of the data you need to improve your business is great, but without a unified point of reference where all of your data is processed and streamlined for easier consumption, you’re going to have quite a tough time. That’s why Conversios has taken the extra mile to create an interactive dashboard through which you can have an easier time managing your business. This may be especially important when it comes to integrating your business into Google Shopping through Google’s Merchant Center. And while the dashboard is a new feature that still requires some testing, soon it will be one of the core features of Conversios.

Integrating your website into Google Shopping may be what elevates your products to the next level. But to promote it properly, you’ll need to utilize Google Ads too. That’s why Conversios offers proper integrations so that you may evaluate how your ads are managing and how well do your advertised products fare compared to regular ones. One of the most important features when it comes to Google Shop is most definitely its Smart Shopping Campaign management. With it, you may automate your ad campaigns that are completely optimized with your analytics data.

It will recognize the areas you need to improve in and set to prompt them online. You can even set specialized campaigns that hit specific countries, demographics, and even shopping tendencies. That way, you’ll avoid advertising your most expensive products to people who might be turned away from them. This feature also tracks user Google search behavior so that your website may be recommended to them as quickly as possible.

Google Merchant Center

Conversios Google merchant center

One of the most important things a business needs to take care of when it comes to promoting their work online is to take proper steps to ensure quality Search Engine Optimization or SEO for short. And if you’re running WooCommerce on your backend, Conversios perfectly integrates it into your Google Merchant Center. That way, you’re automating your SEO so that you can catch and grab any new Google listings.

Having proper listings can be incredibly important because customers tend not to stray far away from the first few pages of Google; therefore, having a front-page listing can be the difference between your business sinking or swimming. And while generally, SEO costs extra, Conversios offers it all in their basic features. You can even sync up your products to improve their individual SEO too.

Integrating your products with Google Merchant Center is quite a good feature. But an even better feature Conversios offers is automatic syncing of your products online. This essentially means that your store will always be up to date with Google Shopping’s offers. And while that may seem like a small feature, it actually saves a lot of time from tediously and manually refreshing all of your products in Google Merchant Center.

And it also passively improves your customers’ experience as they are always lead to valid products and aren’t disappointed by broken links or out-of-stock products. You can set up your refresh rate so that every 25 days, your store automatically updates all of your available products while you are able to focus on optimizing other aspects of your website.

Site Verification

Another feature with which Conversios may save you some time is its ability to automatically manage site verification as well as domain claims with Google. When a business owner wants to set up their website on Google, they go about acquiring all the proper verification and licenses. But Conversios can handle all of that for you so that you can instantly pop onto the market as soon as you are finished setting up your website. And to further increase the ease of use, Conversios even offers complete management options for your Google Merchant Center so that you needn’t tab out through multiple settings and preferences while you’re working on your website.

Through tracking and analytics, you’ll even be able to run specialized remarketing campaigns, which are aimed at creating dynamic ads to encourage your shoppers to go through with their purchases. This can be especially important if you have a lot of people who drop off their purchases right before checkout. But with Conversios, you can create custom deals and offers that might encourage them to finalize their purchases. You can also create recommended offers for people who tend to browse only specific items from your website.


Conversios pricing

And if you’re just starting out and are unsure of what you need for your analytics and ad optimization, don’t worry. Conversios offers free and premium options so that you can try it out with its core features such as Universal Analytics Tracking, Google Shopping Automation, and Partial Dynamic Remarketing.

But it also offers premium options that range in prices from $9 to $29 a month. In these features, you receive the full package, including user and client id tracking, specialized scroll tracking, Google Ads conversion tracking, and schedule product syncs.

This way, if you have a small business in which you’re just starting to invest, you’ll be able to cut some costs while maximally optimizing your website, and if your business booms and you need to expand, there are premium options you should utilize to further facilitate your growth.

Wrapping Up

Opening an online store requires a lot of time and effort, but with some specialized tools, addons, and plugins, you’ll be able to lift some of the burdens off of your shoulders. That’s why utilizing Conversios is so important.

Not only do you receive features that help you optimize and grow your website, but also these features will help you automate a lot of the processes that are tedious and take up a lot of your time. And when you’re a web designer, that might be okay as that is your primary job, but when you’re trying to run a business alongside that too, you really need to optimize your workflow so that your business grows at a proper pace.

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Published on September 17, 2021 by Peter Hughes; modified on June 24, 2024. Filed under: , , , .

Peter Hughes is a digital marketing consultant and author. Peter has more than 10 years of experience in SEO and Internet marketing.

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