5 Common Pitfalls in Electronic Device Manufacturing and How to Avoid Them

Never in history was there such a demand for electronic devices, which means that manufacturers are working on a tight schedule. In the past, when an electronic device appeared, it had a healthy market, but today, in a world where there are more smartphones than people, the numbers are way off.

So, what can manufacturers do in hopes of keeping up and what are the pitfalls that might disrupt them in this effort? Let’s find out!

electronic board


Picking the right PCB assembly process

Printed circuit board (PCB) is the key part of modern electronics assembly and, as such, its assembly has a great effect on the overall quality of electronics that you produce. Different assembly techniques can impact the quality, cost, and efficiency of your device, which is why it’s so important that you choose the right method based on the needs of your device.

Not every project benefits from the same approach, so you need to understand the advantages and limitations of every method.

The first such technique is the surface mount technology (SMT). It involves directly mounting components onto the surface of a PCB. This is the go-to method for high-volume production because it allows for compact designs and automated assembly. In other words, this is a go-to method when you aim to create an efficient and scalable operation.

Devices made using SMT technology are sleeker, more efficient, and more compact. This means that you choose it when the size of the PCB is the key.

Through-hole technology (THT) involves inserting component leads through holes in the PCB and soldering them in place. This is a more labor-intensive process, and it’s what you choose when you want to create stronger bonds. PCBs made this way are more likely to withstand environmental stress.

So, the choice between SMT vs. THT in PCB assembly depends on the project’s specific demands. If you want smaller PCBs produced more quickly, SMT is the way to go. If, on the other hand, you want stronger and more reliable PCBs, it’s safer to pick THT.

Inconsistent quality control processes

In electronics, quality and reliability are the two most important brand traits. You’re paying more for a certain brand, so you need to know that it can deliver. The problem is that manufacturers often have a hard time keeping up with quality. Why? Well, because there are too many variables, and if one of them falters, everything will go down.

Moreover, sometimes, the quality is affected by factors that are outside of their control.

For instance, sourcing components from different suppliers will often lead to inconsistencies in quality. This happens even when the specs are the same. You see, without a rigorous quality control process, small variations can cause big problems down the line. So, sticking with trusted suppliers and performing regular quality checks is essential to maintaining consistency.

Just remember one thing: even the best suppliers can sometimes decline in quality. The biggest betrayals in history came from the most trusted sources, someone who has proven trustworthy many times.

You can’t even trust your tests all the time. Why? Well, because your testing tools may malfunction. You see, uncalibrated or poorly maintained testing equipment can produce inaccurate results, which leads to faulty products reaching the market. Regular calibration and maintenance of testing tools are critical steps to ensure your electronic devices can perform as expected. This can save you from costly recalls or product failures.

Without standardized inspection protocols, quality checks can vary from one batch to another, causing inconsistencies in your product line. Establish clear, repeatable inspection procedures to minimize defects and improve customer satisfaction.

Even the best equipment won’t save you from neglecting staff training. Your team needs to use it correctly. Have high training standards and enforce them with an iron hand.

Overlooking design for manufacturability

One of the most important things about electronic device manufacturing is the number of devices that you can produce quickly enough to satisfy the market. You see, in order to break even, make a profit, and maintain brand loyalty, you have to be able to produce a certain number of products and push them to the market on a regular basis.

This is the so-called design for manufacturability (DFM). It means that the product is not just made to be efficient and have a decent performance; it’s also built to be easy to produce at scale massively.

A design might look perfect on paper but be a nightmare to manufacture massively. Overlooking DFM can lead to production delays, higher costs, and more defects. Collaborating early with your manufacturing team ensures your design is production-ready from the start.

You want to involve all your teams from the very start. You see, design teams can create brilliant concepts that manufacturing teams can’t easily produce. Aligning teams will help you avoid delays and cost increases.

Making a change on paper is inexpensive, but once the production starts, it will be incredibly costly.

The more complex the design is, the greater the likelihood of manufacturing errors. Simple designs are not just risky to make; there are many ways in which something can go wrong. Streamlining the assembly with fewer components and straightforward processes can significantly improve both quality and efficiency.

Involving manufacturing experts early in the design phase helps catch potential issues before they become expensive problems. By reviewing the design for manufacturability from the start, you can make adjustments that will save both time and money.

Inadequate thermal management

Every electrical device and every device that produces power will also produce heat. This could lead to component failure or even a reduced life span of a device. For a manufacturer, these things cause an incredibly high risk and, when the word gets out (and it will) a tarnished reputation.

Not to mention that heat management is the key component when it comes to why some devices waste less power than others. Just take LED lights, for instance, they produce the same amount of light as their incandescent counterparts but use less energy for it. Why? Because they produce less heat.

So, one of the biggest pitfalls in electronic device manufacturing is finding a way to manage heat effectively, so that you ensure your device will perform optimally over time.

To do this, you must first do the diagnostics on all the points that cause this malfunction.

For instance, a poorly designed heat sink won’t effectively dissipate heat. This will cause your electronic device to overheat and fail prematurely. It’s essential to design or select heat sinks that are appropriate for your device’s specific heat output in order to maintain stable performance and prevent overheating.

Next, a lack of proper airflow planning often becomes a problem. Good airflow is critical for maintaining a device’s temperature. Without sufficient airflow, heat can get trapped, leading to malfunctions. By ensuring that your device’s layout promotes optimal airflow, you can manage heat and extend the device’s lifespan.

Failing to plan for supply chain disruptions

The biggest oversight that inexperienced manufacturers make is to make calculations as if the raw materials will just magically materialize in their facility as they’re about to run out. Suppliers can make mistakes; sometimes, their own operations will be disrupted due to no error of their own. You need to make a plan for this failure.

For instance, relying on a single supplier for critical components leaves you particularly vulnerable to disruptions. If that one supplier experiences a delay or a shortage, your entire production line could grind to a halt.

Operating without a buffer stock of essential components will lead to production delays if there’s a supply chain disruption. By keeping a small stockpile of key parts, you can ensure that you continue production, even if there’s a temporary shortage.

Failure to account for long lead times in component sourcing can also cause a major delay in production schedules. You have to account for potential shipping and manufacturing delays when planning your own production timeline.

Diversified sourcing is key to avoiding supply chain disruptions. When you work with multiple suppliers from different regions, you can easily reduce the risk of shortages and delays. This way, even if there’s a local crisis, you won’t be as affected.

Device manufacturing is a delicate process, and you have to know everything that can go wrong

We’re not even talking about Murphy’s Law here; these are not some freak accidents but things that very often go wrong in device manufacturing. Supply chain often breaks, quality is bound to drop from time to time, and if you don’t pick the right assembly technique, you might suffer long-term consequences of your short-sightedness.

The bottom line is that you always need a contingency plan. Also, it helps to know where the trap is in order to avoid it and we hope our list has proven useful in this regard.

By Srdjan Gombar

Veteran content writer, published author, and amateur boxer. Srdjan has a Bachelor of Arts in English Language & Literature and is passionate about technology, pop culture, and self-improvement. In his free time, he reads, watches movies, and plays Super Mario Bros. with his son.

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Published on September 12, 2024 by Lucija. Filed under: , , .

I used to write about games but now work on web development topics at WebFactory Ltd. I've studied e-commerce and internet advertising, and I'm skilled in WordPress and social media. I like design, marketing, and economics. Even though I've changed my job focus, I still play games for fun.