Roadmap – a Glance Into the Future

We continuously make UCP better and simpler to use. Sometimes it's done by adding features, and sometimes by removing them.

UnderConstructionPage is a mature, 3+ years old plugin. We’re now in a phase where new features are added very cautiously. Actually, we’re more inclined to remove features than to add new ones. No, it’s not because we’re lazy. It’s because the majority of users need just a small subset of all the features we have. Adding more clutters the GUI, makes the learning time longer and makes the overall experience frustrating.

All of that should not discourage you from sending us your ideas, suggestions and generally any feedback! Please use the contact form in the plugin or contact us via the site. We value all feedback!

Updates that don’t need special announcements

  • new templates are added on a weekly basis – no need to update the plugin, they’re pushed into your dashboard automatically
  • all bugs are dealt with quickly, just make sure you have the latest plugin version
  • we closely monitor WordPress core updates and prepare UCP for them even before they’re out

Confirmed features for autumn 2019

  • better onboarding / setup wizard
  • better free -> pro settings transition
  • wizzard-alike editor for those who don’t like drag&drop

Unconfirmed features

  • parallax background effects
  • IP ranges support for white/black-listing
  • support for self-hosted videos

Published on March 1, 2018 by Gordan; modified on October 14, 2019.