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Reasons to Choose Managed WordPress Hosting

Reasons to Choose Managed WordPress Hosting

A company without a website these days is a rarity. After all, given the amount of time people spend on the web, websites are a great way to market a business. However, this means that the quality and performance of your website can affect whether or not someone becomes a customer or not. Therefore, it pays to get it right.

In other words, to keep a WordPress site running smoothly, it takes a lot of time and effort. Fortunately, there is a solution.

Managed WordPress hosting takes care of keeping your site secure and up to date, allowing you more time to focus on your business. There are many providers for this type of hosting, but Verpex is among the best when it comes to managed hosting for WordPress.

Explaining Managed WordPress Hosting

Web hosting is how the files of a website become visible on the internet. Files are stored on a server, and anytime someone wants to visit your site, this server serves up the files for them.

There are a variety of tasks associated with keeping your site up and running on the server, as well as keeping it secure. For instance, you’ll need to update software, perform backups, and make tweaks to improve the server’s performance, among other things. However, if you go with a hosting provider that offers managed hosting, the provider will take care of all these things for you.

Managed WordPress hosting involves the same server care by the provider, but the care is designed specifically for WordPress sites. In most cases, this means that in addition to handling day-to-day server management tasks, your hosting provider will also take care of administering and optimizing your WordPress software. This frees you up from having to worry about the nuts and bolts of WordPress hosting, and you can instead focus on providing great content for your visitors.

Advantages of Choosing Managed WordPress Hosting

Keeps Things Simple

The primary benefit of managed WordPress hosting is that it makes it simple for you to run your website. All you have to worry about is what your site visitors see. In addition, you don’t have to concern yourself with the means by which they see your site.

Managed WordPress hosting is especially beneficial for beginners. However, unless you have experience in the hosting field, setting up an entire website in an unmanaged hosting environment is extremely complicated. It will likely take you weeks to figure out how to control and manage everything.

Ensures Fast Page Loading Speeds

The fact is that no internet user will tolerate a slow website. If your website takes too long to load, i.e., more than a few seconds, visitors will abandon your site and go elsewhere. Additionally, Google will interpret the user’s actions as disapproval of your website, and they will downgrade your website on their search engine results page.

Therefore, you need to make sure your website is always running as quickly as possible. If you’re the one managing your website, this means that you’ll have to tackle a number of tasks to ensure fast page loading speeds. For instance, you’ll need to ensure that the server configuration is sound, that you have a caching solution in place, and that your website isn’t bogged down by superfluous images, plugins, or code.

Sounds like a lot, right? If you don’t want to be bothered with the intricacies of keeping your site running quickly, you should choose managed WordPress hosting and let the professionals take care of it for you.

Guarantees Your Site’s Security

All websites are vulnerable to attackers attempting to compromise the security of websites to access private information or use the site as a launch point for further attacks. For this reason, keeping your site up to date and fixing any security holes is a full-time job.

Fortunately, managed hosting guarantees your site’s security. With this hosting option, the web host will implement a security strategy and put prevention measures in place. They will also monitor your site for suspicious activity and have regular backups made of your site in case of a worst-case scenario where your website needs to be restored.

Allows You to Scale

Scalability is an important thing to consider for any website. While many business websites will experience relatively low traffic during the year, they may experience spikes in traffic around the holidays or during sales events. Therefore, you need to have a web hosting service that can manage these changes in traffic.

The last thing you want is a host that is fine only when you have a few visitors and crashes when you’re busy.

Handling large surges in traffic on your own is pretty difficult. However, with managed hosting, the service provider will respond to surges in traffic by allocating more resources to your site. Additionally, most managed WordPress hosting plans include a service where your most popular pages are cached automatically to reduce stress on your database.

Provides You With Support

With managed WordPress hosting, you’ll get a team of technical experts that you can call on day or night. By contrast, unmanaged hosting typically only offers bare-bones support as you’re expected to fix most issues on your own. In addition, most hosting providers will have set limits on what they’ll help you with and what they won’t, whereas, with managed hosting, you can get help with everything to do with your WordPress site.

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