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All in the Brand: How Connecting With Players is Key to iGaming Branding

All in the Brand: How Connecting With Players is Key to iGaming Branding

The ‘iGaming industry’, which refers to anything online gambling-related, is currently in its golden era. Simply put, more people than ever are taking part in online gambling for fun, which has been an upward trend ever since the COVID-19 pandemic of 2020.

Now, you have an industry that’s expected to achieve over $100 billion – yes, billion – in revenue throughout 2024, making it one of the most powerful on the planet. And what makes the iGaming industry especially exciting is the level of competition inside it and how countless online casinos and sportsbooks are competing to be the best brand.

When it comes to iGaming branding, the key is connecting with players. Once an online gambling brand is able to connect with players in a genuine way, it leads to loyalty, word-of-mouth marketing, increased brand recognition, and all that good stuff. But connecting with the millions of online gamblers around the world is easier said than done, as many gambling sites have ultimately tried (and failed) to do this.

So, what makes modern gamblers tick and how are gambling companies creating meaningful connections that boost their brand image? All of this (and more) is analyzed right here.

iGaming Branding: How Gambling Sites Are Forming Connections with Players

Connecting with players in the iGaming world isn’t just about catchy logos and flashing lights. In reality, there’s so much more to it. When done right, the connections formed as a result usually last for a long time, even decades in many cases. For example, bet365 Casino is extremely popular throughout Europe, with millions of players having been using it since the mid-2000s. Like many other iGaming operators, bet365 has been able to form unbreakable connections with gambling fans that will (unless the site ever shuts down) last forever.

iGaming player connections don’t appear out of thin air, though. Marketing and sales teams work around the clock to make sure these connections come to fruition and prevent players from joining competitor sites by. Here’s how it works.

Provide Genuine Value and Incentives

The leading iGaming brands, from BetMGM to FanDuel, are focused on providing genuine value and incentives to players. This can come in the form of free spins, cash bonuses, or just all-round fun gameplay. Naturally, when players see that they’re receiving value for creating an account, it helps create a strong connection.

Jon Ridehalgh, casino and sportsbook analyst from, shared his thoughts on this:

“Before anyone joins an online gambling site, they’ll almost always do some checks. Specifically, they’re checking to see what’s on offer in terms of value. What is this site going to provide to me from a value perspective? Do I get free spins? A big library of slot games? These are the types of things that players are desperate to know.

If there’s true value there, they’ll go ahead and sign-up. If there isn’t, they’ll look at other casinos and sportsbooks, instead. Really, it’s a case of the sites working for the players and not the other way around.”

Let’s examine DraftKings for a moment, which has been a leading sports betting company in the US since 2012. With DraftKings, the player always comes first. There are over 2,000 casino games to choose from, daily fantasy sports, and even daily free pools across major sports leagues like the NFL and NBA. They’re providing players with amazing value designed to create a positive experience, which has ultimately enabled DraftKings to attract (and keep) millions of players.

The Behavioural Insights Team (BIT) collected some data a couple of years ago to find out what online gamblers look for when choosing gambling sites to use. One of the top-ranking factors was value, which is ultimately why most successful online casinos and sportsbooks now prioritize providing value to the player over pretty much everything else.

Establishing Trust

One of the most effective ways that iGaming companies have been able to connect with players is through establishing trust. As you might imagine, this isn’t an easy task — especially in an industry like gambling. Players are automatically more careful and suspicious of things, which is why you have to establish trust before any connection can be made. According to Gamble USA, this is something that leading operators have been able to do by:

✅ Protecting player data through encryption in case of cyberattacks

✅ Securing player funds so that they don’t get hacked or stolen

✅ Being officially licensed and regulated by industry authorities (e.g. Malta Gaming Authority)

✅ Providing excellent customer service

✅ Offering favorable odds

When operators tick these boxes, it’s a one-way ticket to establishing trust and stronger connections with players. For example, customer service has now become an extremely important part of online gambling. Players want to know that the casinos and sportsbooks they use can be trusted when it comes to customer service, from quickly solving technical problems to providing helpful information.

Going Above What Other Sites Offer

Going above and beyond is a proven way to build connections in the online gambling world. Players like to see operators that are willing to go the extra mile, as it ultimately shows they care more than rival casinos and sportsbooks. Whether it’s offering huge cash bonuses or adding new games to their libraries every month, things like this don’t go unnoticed by the modern-day online gambler.

Having Helpful Resources On-Hand

Despite how popular online gambling has become, with IBISWorld reporting there are now 5,098 global casinos and online gambling businesses in 2024, there’s still a slight stigma surrounding safety. Many people still have doubts about how safe online gambling truly is — but online operators are improving trust levels by improving the quality of their help resources.

Most online gambling sites now have a huge range of resources that players can use to ensure they have a safe online gambling experience. These resources often include help books, self-exclusion forms, in-play time limits, and bet limits, showing that online gambling sites are looking to keep players protected rather than exploit any existing gambling problems they might have.

Maintaining Brand Consistency Across All Channels

Lastly, the leading online casinos and sportsbooks make sure that they maintain brand consistency across all channels, from their websites to social media. They use consistent imagery, a familiar communication tone, the same color scheme, and everything else in-between. The end result of this is better overall brand recognition and trust, as players can see that the sites are consistent with what they do.

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