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Top WordPress and Web Design Blogs that Accept Guest Posts in 2021

Top WordPress and Web Design Blogs that Accept Guest Posts in 2021

If you’ve been blogging for a while, you’ve probably had the idea of doing guest blogging at least once or twice throughout your career.

And on the off chance that you haven’t thought about this at all, we are here to say that you definitely should.

If you’re here just to find blogs that accept guest posts in the WordPress and Web Design category, click here to see the list or get free access to more than 5,000 blogs that accept guest post submissions in all niches.

What Is Guest Blogging

Guest blogging, commonly referred to as guest posting, is a marketing technique where a content creator writes and/or publishes a post on a third-party website. Quite straightforward, really, but there’s a ton of benefits to it.

Generally speaking, guest posters stick to a similar theme they usually cover on their own websites.  More often than not, this brings benefits for both the guest author and the host blog in question. So, if you do, in the end, decide to guest blog, we recommend that you consider accepting a few guest authors on your site as well.

Why Is It Encouraged by Website Owners, and How It Impacts Your Business

Well, it’s a two-way street. Website owners desire quality content for their sites to attract returning visitors, and authors want to promote themselves on as many platforms as possible. The benefits for the author alone are twofold: By providing truly informative content on other websites, you can establish yourself as an expert in the field and build relationships with other people in the business.

Not only does this solidify your position in the business, but it also gives you exposure. Don’t take this the wrong way. It’s not like you didn’t have any before; it’s just that if you’ve never done guest blogging, your exposure has been limited to an audience that already frequents your blogs. By doing guest blogging, your exposure increases opening you up to a whole new potential audience. And who knows, if they enjoy the way

you cover certain topics and explain issues as well as clarify them, you might push them into becoming frequent visitors of your blog. 

But what do website owners get out of this, you might ask? Featuring guest posts on their website, first and foremost, offers a bit of freshness, a new perspective if you will. Having seasoned writers working for you is undoubtedly fantastic. However, it’s all too easy to fall into a rut and get bored of writing about the same stuff over and over again.  So, in a nutshell, adding some guest content allows your writers to take a breather and offers your readers a new outlook on things, which is sure to keep them engaged and entice them to come back. Some blogs out there get their content almost solely from guest authors they deem to be the best content creators when it comes to specific topics. And if you manage to land one of these gigs, they can really boost your brand.

How To Get Started and What To Look For

Before you even start looking for potential blogs to be featured on, get your priorities straight. Make sure that you have something to contribute and that the sites you’re looking into aren’t your competitors. If you don’t do a good job and guest blog just to get some “link juice” out of it, you’re likely going to have trouble finding another website willing to work with you in the future.

There’s a lot of spam circling on the internet. That’s no secret. So do make sure that you don’t create that type of content.

Stick to your niche and only look for a respectable established business that you agree with. What we mean by this is that you shouldn’t partner up just for the sake of promotion with a business whose content you dislike or entirely disagree with. But, don’t worry; even if your blog has no partners, we’ll give you a few tips on how to find potential guest blogging opportunities. We’ll also include a list of sites that are more than willing to make some room for guest authors.  A few things you should definitely keep in mind when searching for a guest posting gig:

How To Find Host Sites that will Publish your Guest Post

Before we explain just how you can find guest blogging opportunities, we’ll offer you a quick shortcut. At the following link, you‘ll find a list of websites dedicated to WordPress and web design that offer some great opportunities.

Google Search 

The easiest, most straightforward way to find host sites is, of course, googling them. Sure, you could simply google something along the lines of “guest posting 2021,” but that could lead you into an endless cycle of reviews or tutorials much like this one. Instead, there’s a more efficient way of conducting your search.  What you need to be laser-focused on are your keywords.

For the purposes of this article, we’ll stick to terms like “digital marketing” and “social media marketing.”

Once you’ve chosen some keywords related to your field of expertise, you’re going to use Google search in the following manner.  Take your keywords and pair them with some of the following phrases: “guest blogging”, “guest post by”, “write for us”, “become a guest blogger”, “submit an article”, “ contribute to our blog by guest posting”. There’s a myriad of other things you could search for, but you get the picture.  It’s also worth mentioning that if you don’t happen to find many good opportunities right on page one, pages four, five, and six are not any less likely to contain something good.


As more and more businesses are launching their own social media accounts, it’s not at all unusual that you’d also be able to find fantastic opportunities there. Social media platforms are giants in the internet world and definitely worth checking out when looking for anything, especially if your field of expertise pertains to social media or social media marketing.

Searching Through Tweets

If you do as little as just searching up “guest blogging” or “guest author” on Twitter, the results you’ll get will show all the tweets that contain those phrases as well as tweeted URLs. However, this method will present you with a lot of tweets that are irrelevant to you, so some digging may be required.  If you want to make this process a bit more efficient, you can always add some of the previously-recommended keywords or whichever keywords pertain to your particular niche of interest.

Facebook and Other Socials

We’re pretty sure all of you know that Facebook has a lot of groups you can join. One of the biggest of the bunch is Guest Post Tracker. It’s a private group that requires messaging in order to join. Besides joining groups, you can also use the keywords and searches we mentioned earlier and try to find something that suits you.

Most other social media platforms function in much the same way, so feel free to get out there and explore every option available. An extra bit of advice we’d like to offer before we conclude this category – if you’re planning on checking out social media for potential guest blogging opportunities, make sure you don’t forget Reddit. In its many communities, both formal and casual, you’re likely to find something no matter what your niche is.

How To Pitch Your Guest Post and Make Sure It’s of Good Quality

Now that you actually know some of the basics of guest blogging and have learned where to find potential employment, it’s time to prepare your high-quality post. And here’s how you do it!

Know Who You’ll Be Working For

If you’re planning to guest post on someone else’s blog, the first step is to get familiar with their content. Know their style and level of expertise. Why? Well, some blogs are dedicated to beginners to help them understand general things about specific topics. Others are for people that have an intermediate level of knowledge, where using a certain dose of industry jargon is required. 

No matter what your task is, you always have to adapt your style and use of language accordingly.

A few other things worth doing are: checking out who the other guest posters are, finding out what sort of posts do best on that particular blog, and if guest posts are in that category. Simply explore a little and see if you fit the bill.

The Right Way To Pitch Your Idea

When To Pitch

The best time to contact a blog is when they’ve recently published a guest post or announced that they’re looking to do so in the near future. What makes this process a lot smoother is if the blog in question is familiar with your work or maybe follows some of your socials.

Rules To Follow

Before you contact anyone, you have to make sure you’ve read their guidelines and know what they’re expecting as well as how they do business. Every blog has its dos and don’ts.

Rules are there for a reason, and if you don’t respect them, you’ll be seen as unprofessional and probably won’t get hired. This is absolutely crucial and should never be forgotten.

Presenting Yourself Well

Ensure that your email presents you and your work in the right way. Give a short introduction on why you should be hired as a guest author, but never make it seem like you’re over-hyping yourself. Be straightforward and convincing but also humble and level-headed.

What To Do When You Get the Job

Always remember that it’s not about you. Guest posting isn’t only a free promotional opportunity. Providing valuable information and resources is priority number one. You can (and should) include internal and source links; just make sure there are not too many of them.  And finally, feel free to include a call to action that invites people to comment. 

Open up a dialogue and see what people think about your take on things. And when you do get comments, reply to them.

List of Blogs that Accept Guest Posts: WordPress and Web Design category

Want more? Here’s the list of more than 5,000 blogs that accept guest post submissions in all niches.

Final Thoughts

There you have it, a full-fledged guide to guest posting. We hope that the tips and guidelines we’ve listed above will help your future professional endeavors. If you follow them, you are sure to find some guest posting gigs in no time. Just make sure you conduct yourself right, that you’ve done your research, and that you know what you’re talking about. With that being said, now it’s time to find some actual gigs. Implement the methods mentioned above, and if your field of expertise happens to be web design or WordPress, feel free to also check out the list we compiled containing some websites that accept guest posts already.

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