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Why is Cyber Security Important?

Security is one of the most important parts of life. The same goes for the online world. The online world became the home of people’s lives. People are working online, leading online businesses, taking care of their finances online, and sharing private data over the network. In order to continue using the internet for all of it, it is important to feel safe.

However, with the expansion of the internet, there is a large growth of attacks and threats harmful to the connection and the data. Without a number of protection layers, people and their business and personal data are protected and secure.

What is Cyber Security?

Cyber Security protects you and your data online. It consists of different technologies and steps of practices and procedures that work together to keep computer systems and data secure and protected. According to the Cyber Security & Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA), Cyber security is defined as the art of protecting networks, systems, devices, and personal data from any kind of unwanted access, criminal use, or attackers. Staying informed and updated on the latest cyber threats and defense strategies is essential in this dynamic landscape, making cybersecurity webinars a valuable resource for individuals and organizations aiming to enhance their knowledge and fortify their online defenses.

The goal of cyber attackers is to access, change, harm, or even completely delete personal sensitive information, steal money or destroy their business. Also, Cyber security ensures constant confidentiality, integrity, protection, and availability of information.

Why is Cyber Security important?

Cyber security concerns everyone. The growth of the cyber world requires more and stronger layers of protection for the systems, networks, and people. Cyber security protects networks, devices, and personal data. Today, everything is done online: starting with communication, transportation, shopping, and health, and the legal system requires protection.

Your personal data are not only stored on your computer but they are spread over systems you are assigned to. To be sure that your data is safe, both sides of communication and the network should be protected. It is important to know how to protect your data and system and how those threats can affect you.

What are common cyber attacks and threats?

The growth of the internet affects the growth of technological solutions, methods of protection, and security. In the same way, it pushes cybercriminals to create new and different ways of harming people, devices, online businesses, and data traffic. There is a long list of cyberattacks and threats developed to steal and harm data. The reasons behind a cyber attack are different, and sometimes, even though you are not aimed the victim, you can be affected as well.

Malware and viruses are the first cyber threats you can think of. They are developed to enter your device to steal data, damage devices, and infect systems. Another popular and common threat is phishing. The phishing attack is done over email when a cyber attacker sends an email appearing as someone else (usually some reputable or commonly contacted name).

It performs to steal personal, and financial data or inject malware into the attacked device. Also, Denial-of-Service (DoS) attacks are very common to affect and harm the network. Another harmful threat is a SQL injection attack which is performed by injecting malicious code into an SQL using a server. If successful, it exposes information to change or damage the website.

How to protect your private life, your business, and your data against cybercrime?

Any average internet user already used some cyber security steps when creating a simple mail account. Passwords are the common and first step to protecting your data. A user should create a password following all the suggestions and rules to make it strong and not easily breakable. Furthermore, it is recommended to use multi-factor authentication to keep access just for one person. Also, the Wi-Fi network should be protected using WPA2 as a security method.

Another important simple step is choosing the right browsers for surfing and utilizing the firewall. The firewall prevents attacks by controlling and limiting suspicious traffic and restricts unnecessary outbound communications.

Among that, it is recommended to have installed and running antivirus and antimalware software since it can stop and ‘undo’ some unwanted clicks you previously made while surfing. Also, they can automatically detect any threats and remove them, ensuring maximum protection for your devices and network.

Next, keeping your operating systems and software up to date is one of the most important and simplest cybersecurity steps. Attackers are chasing vulnerable and problematic terrain, and if you are not up to date, you can easily become their victim.

So, to keep your networks and devices protected, you should take some simple initial steps. For further steps of protecting larger organizational data, check and learn all cyber security types including application security, cloud security, and infrastructure security among others.

Final Words

Cybersecurity is the way of protecting the network, systems, and devices, and all data transferred over them from attackers, threats, and any criminal acts. Today, people’s personal information is online as part of the health system, communication, education, or any other sphere of life.

Therefore, it is important to develop a strong cybersecurity strategy to protect data from any cybercriminal activities and threats. This article showed some of the common attacks and steps of protection. You should invest your time and stronger technological solutions to protect yourself in the online world.


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