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What is AIOps: necessity or marketing?

What is AIOps: necessity or marketing?

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Gartner analysts predict, along with the digital transformation of business, the need to transform IT services. Digital transformation combines the use of new technologies and their implementation in a short period of time. This necessitates focusing efforts on developing and finishing new apps, shortening the implementation time of new releases, communicating with multiple applications via API interfaces, and utilizing machine agents and the Internet of Things. New techniques and technologies that were previously unavailable cause traditional IT management strategies and methodologies to lag and render them inappropriate for fast change.

Analysts forecast that present approaches and procedures for efficiently managing hybrid IT systems would undergo substantial changes. And a brand-new platform known by Gartner as AIOps is essential to these adjustments. and which needs to adapt to the difficulties presented by emerging technology.

What is AIOps?

AIOps stands for Artificial Intelligence for IT Operations. Essentially, it is artificial intelligence for IT management based on a multi-layer platform that automates data processing and decision making using machine learning and big data analytics that come from various elements of the IT infrastructure in real time.

AIOps has two main components: big data and machine learning. Thus, IT specialists must move away from logging and tracking many individual events (siloed IT), which is actively used now, and rely on machine learning and data analysis that comes from monitoring systems, work order logs, etc.

The desired result is continuous analysis that will provide answers and allow for continuous improvements and corrections in the operation of the IT infrastructure. And to get the desired result, it is especially important to work out the aiops strategy. The AIOps platform links three disciplines – service management, performance management and automation – to achieve the desired outcome and can be thought of as continuous improvement, integration and implementation (CI/CD) of core IT functions.

What should an AIOps platform have?

At this stage, different manufacturers are offering redundant or partial AIOps solutions, so Gartner, in order to be able to compare different solutions, has identified 9 functional elements that an AIOps platform should have:

The implementation of the AIOps platform is possible in the form of a local installation on the customer’s network or as a SaaS service.

What is forcing you to move towards AIOps?

AIOps is a new platform. But AIOps is undoubtedly the next evolutionary step in IT management and is influenced by the following needs:

New DevOps and Agile technologies force programmers to take more control responsibilities at the application level, but responsibility for the overall health of the ecosystem and the interaction between applications, services and infrastructure still remains with IT. IT takes on more responsibility as networks become more complex.

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