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5 Eye-Opening Tips for Marketing Your Interior Design Business With Postcards

How to Market your interior design business with postcard

Are you trying to boost your interior design business this year? One of the most effective strategies for drawing in customers lies with print marketing. In fact, direct mail recipients purchase 28% more products and spend 28% more money than those who don’t.

Otherwise, you could end up in the junk pile, an opportunity wasted.

Improve your postcard marketing efforts this year with these five tips.

1. Get Organized

Before you can start designing your promotional postcard, you’ll want to draft an outline. Organizing the information, you’ll include on your card can help improve the design for readability.

Start by determining the postcard’s orientation.

Consider using a vertical postcard design. Many promotional postcard designs are creating using a standard horizontal look. Shifting to vertical can help you stand out in your customer’s inbox.

With a vertical postcard, you can use a large, eye-catching image to stand out immediately.

Then, you’ll want to consider other design elements, including:

There are many ways you can make sure your postcards stand out.


For your images, consider showing faces. Helping customers associate a face and name with your brand will make you feel real. As a result, you’re more likely to generate brand trust with your customers.

Otherwise, the postcard might fail to make a connection.

Avoid using stock photography. Instead, use real images that include employees or customers relevant to your business.

What images will really make an impact on your readers? For example, a security company might use a photo of a burglar (instead of an image of the security system on a wall). Try to choose images that really pack a punch!


It’s also important to consider how you’re arranging your information. Approximately 42% of recipients scan the mail they receive. If you want to make sure they read the right information, how you arrange your copy matters.

Try to use large, attention-grabbing headlines. Then, break paragraphs of text into smaller chunks that are easier to read. You can also use bullet points to condense larger areas of text.

Arranging your content correctly will help you improve your postcard marketing efforts.

2. Make It Personal

Personalization is a key component of any marketing strategy. If you want your postcard to really have an impact, start with market research.

Who is your target audience? What problems are they facing each day? How can your product or service provide them with a solution?

The better you know your target audience, the more likely you can appeal to their specific needs.

As you explore different postcard ideas, try to think about everything from your customer’s point of view. What do they want to find in the mail? How do they speak (including the words and phrases they often use)?

As you write your copy, pretend you’re speaking directly to a customer. Personalizing your promotional postcard will improve engagement. People are more likely to respond to something that they feel was prepared just for them.

For example, you can include the recipient’s name on the postcard.


You can also segment your broader audience into personas based on age, gender, buying behaviors, or interests. Then, create a postcard that appeals to those details.

For example, let’s say you have a group of clients who live in a specific part of town. You can reference that area on the postcard. You can also use the data you have to make your offers more relevant to that customer group.

Consider adding personalized URLs to your cards, too. These URLs will help you track engagement and improve your personalization efforts in the future.

Are you appealing to a new customer group? Consider catalog printing to help them become better acquainted with your services.

3. Offer a Discount

If you want to plan an effective postcard marketing campaign this year, think about what your customers want. People love finding discounts and coupons in the mail. Offering a discount will encourage them to take action sooner rather than later.

Don’t forget to add an expiration date to the offer. That way, you can utilize the fear of missing out (FOMO) to encourage immediate purchases.

ake sure your offer stands out on the postcard. You can also add a generated dynamic QR code to encourage website visitors.

4. Make the CTA Pop

What action are you hoping readers will complete? For example, you might want them to call your interior design business. In other cases, you might want them to head to your website instead.

In either case, make sure your postcard has one specific action you want customers to complete. Keep one goal in mind. Otherwise, you risk confusing customers or pulling their attention in different directions.

Then, use contrasting colors between your background and call-to-action (CTA) to make sure the CTA pops!

Using black and white can sometimes make your CTA look sleepy. Instead, use bright, vibrant colors that stand out from the rest of the postcard. That way, the consumer’s eyes immediately move toward the CTA.

However, it’s important to use bright colors sparingly. As you explore different postcard ideas, try to look for inspiration from other companies. That way, you can make sure to avoid making too much noise or impacting readability.

5. Add Some Proof

Social proof is a great way to build brand trust. After all, clients are more likely to trust your interior design business if they know other customers trusted you in the past.

Social proof is usually an afterthought when it comes to postcard marketing ideas. However, adding a testimonial can help improve your response rates. It can also encourage clients to recommend you to family and friends.

Consider adding five-star ratings and a review to your postcard to generate more business.

Marketing Your Interior Design Business With Style: 5 Postcard Ideas and Design Tips

Give your interior design business the boost it needs! These five postcard ideas and design tips can help you stand out from the crowd. Instead of ending up in the junk pile, you can generate more business with ease!

Check out the Interior Design Business section of the blog for more helpful marketing tips!

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