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How To Make Attractive Sales Campaigns for Your eCommerce Website

How To Make Attractive Sales Campaigns for Your eCommerce Website

If you run an eCommerce website, you know the challenge of creating attractive sales campaigns. Deciding what to promote during a sales campaign should depend on your best-sellers and sometimes your worst-sellers. People will flock to purchase your best-sellers at a discount, but sometimes individuals may consider a discount on your worst-selling products to give them a try.

Roll the dice and try different strategies when creating new sales campaigns. Here are the tips we have to get you started on boosting sales, attracting new customers, and advancing your business!

Understand Your Audience

What is the target audience that purchases your products and services? Understanding what interests your target audience the most for your business will give you insight into how to craft campaigns.

View your customer demographics. What age range shops the most on your eCommerce site? Are they male or female? Out of the most popular demographics that shop on your site, what type of products and services do they purchase the most? Leveraging these statistics can help you create data-driven insights to help you refine your future marketing strategy.

Define Clear Goals

Ask yourself what goals you want to achieve by running a sales campaign. Are you looking to increase monthly sales by 15% to 20%? Maybe you want to increase sales of a specific product by 10%. Perhaps you want to increase the number of members on your email newsletter list by 25% during this campaign. Ensure to make SMART goals for the best results.

Craft a Compelling Offer

Try different approaches when creating a compelling offer. Here are some ideas to get people shopping and spending more on each order:

Design Eye-Catching Graphics

Use a graphic design app like Adobe Photoshop or Canva to create eye-catching graphics in alignment with your brand logo’s aesthetics. Explore templates on either of these graphic design apps with your brand’s colors to get started on this step.

Maybe what you are trying to create isn’t coming to life in the way you envisioned it. Try hiring a graphic designer on Fiverr or Upwork if you need help crafting graphics for your sales campaign.

Craft Persuasive Copy

Your sales campaign copy should have a hook and a call to action to attract customers to take advantage of the offer. Throughout different sales campaigns, see which call-to-action phrase performs better. Some phrases include “Shop Now”, “Grab the Deal”, “See What’s New”, “Start Saving Now”, and many more. Evaluate which of the sales campaigns performs better based on how many times the call to action phrase was clicked and converted to sales.

When crafting this persuasive copy, focus on presenting the benefits of the sales campaign. If it’s a BOGO-free offer, you could say, “You can experience double the fun for the price of one!” Maybe you are hosting a flash sale, which means you can say, “Grab this deal in a dash because we are only hosting it for a flash!” and then report if it’ll last for 24 or 48 hours.

Changing up your promotions at least a couple of times monthly will keep your best customers returning and generate interest for new patrons to explore your site. Switching between having a two-week-long sales campaign and a 24-hour to 48-hour flash sale can keep customers on their toes and come back for more deals from their favorite brand.

Leverage Multiple Channels

Promote your sales campaigns on more than just your website. Your loyal customers won’t be on your website daily checking for the latest sales. Update your company’s social media account to alert followers about the upcoming sale. Send a mass email to your newsletter members to notify them about the sale.

Take it the extra mile by investing in PPC ads on Google. When potential customers conduct Google searches, they will see these ads pop up in the search engine to draw them to your website.

Optimize for Mobile

Not everyone does online shopping on their desktop or laptop. Optimize your website for mobile navigation to ensure you are reaching as many potential customers as possible. About 91% of individuals utilize their smartphones to shop online. Hence, it’s best to test your website on various smartphone devices so you know that the site loads on most of them.

Learn and Iterate

As each sales campaign ends, review performance statistics to gain insights on new strategies for future campaigns. How much in sales did you generate? Did more people visit your site during the campaign? What products were purchased the most and least? Learning what works best for your business takes constant restrategizing.

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