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How to Create eLearning Scenarios that Engage Your Learners

How to Create eLearning Scenarios that Engage Your Learners

Scenario-based learning is an eLearning method that uses real-world situations to engage learners and teach them new concepts. By putting your learners in the shoes of someone else, they can learn through experience instead of just listening to a lecture. If you’re looking for ways to make your eLearning more engaging, read on for some tips on creating eLearning scenarios that will hook your learners.

What is an eLearning Scenario?

An eLearning scenario is a story that presents a problem or challenge faced by the learner that must be solved. Scenarios can take many different forms, but all should have the following elements:


– A problem or challenge faced by the learner

– A goal for the learner to achieve

– One or more possible solutions to the problem

– Consequences for each possible solution

When creating scenarios, it is essential to leave the information manageable. Keep the focus on the problem and goal, and provide just enough detail about the situation. You can always provide additional information and resources later on if needed. By using an employee engagement platform, you can build creative exercises and scenarios that will help your employees to be engaged and productive.

5 Ways Create Scenarios That Engage Your Learners

1.    Immersive Storytelling for Complex or Dry Topics

Complex topics can be challenging, but immersive storytelling can make the experience more enjoyable. By creating a story that surrounds the learner, you can help them to better understand and retain the information.

When creating an immersive story, it is essential to consider the following:

-Who is the protagonist?

-What is the conflict?

-What are the stakes?

-What are the twists and turns?

By asking yourself these questions, you can create a storyline that will captivate your learners and help them to understand even the most complex topics.

2.    Sales Simulation for Product Training

Sales simulations are an excellent way to produce training for your learners engagingly and realistically. By simulating a sales environment, learners can practice their skills and knowledge in a safe and controlled setting.

A few things to remember when creating a sales simulation for your learners. First, you’ll want to make sure that the scenario is realistic and relatable to your learners—design challenges and objectives that push your learners to think critically and use their problem-solving skills.

3.    Virtual Reality for Risky Environments

Virtual reality can provide a safe environment for employees to rehearse and experience risky situations without any actual consequences. This type of eLearning scenario can be especially beneficial for those who work in high-risk industries, such as healthcare or construction.

When designing a virtual reality eLearning scenario, it is essential to ensure that the learner feels like they are in a realistic and believable environment. The more natural the environment, the more engaged the learner will be. Virtual reality can create an engaging eLearning experience that will help your employees learn how to handle risky situations.

4.    Gamified Scenarios For Motivating People

We all know that gamification can be a powerful tool for engagement, but what are some specific ways you can use it in your eLearning scenarios? Here are a couple of ideas to get you started:

Use game mechanics to encourage exploration and discovery: For instance, you could hide critical information or make it hard to find unless learners take specific actions. This will motivate them to examine the scenario and figure out what they need to do.

Create challenges that require strategic thinking: Your learners will have to think carefully about how to overcome obstacles if you make the challenges difficult enough. This will keep them engaged and mentally active throughout the eLearning experience.

5.    Branching Scenarios For Sensitive Conversations

When it comes to sensitive conversations, there are a few critical branching scenarios you can use to engage your learners.

If you’re having a conversation about a touchy subject, give your learner the option to back out. This way, they can avoid the situation if they’re not ready to face it. You can also use branching scenarios to provide different outcomes based on the learner’s actions. This allows them to see the consequences of their choices and learn from their mistakes.

No matter which branching scenario you choose, ensure that it’s relevant to the learner and will help them achieve their objectives.


Scenarios can help learners see the relevance of their learning and how it can be applied in real-world situations. With creativity, you can create scenarios that will capture your learners’ attention and keep them engaged throughout the entire eLearning experience. Try using scenarios if you’re looking for a way to engage your eLearning learners and get them interested in what they’re doing.

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