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Hostinger – One of the Top Performers in the Hosting Industry

Shared Hosting

Having been around for more than a decade, Hostinger aims to empower everyone with world-wide-web. The organization has the strength of 200 employees and 8 data centers around the world. Having 29 million users approx. world-wide, they receive 15K fresh sign-ups every day from different geographical locations.

This review is based on the information collected directly from their website. It is a complete analysis of their services and my personal experience with their hosting service. So, without further ado, let’s dive into it.

Essential hosting services provided by Hostinger

⦁ Business Hosting
⦁ VPS Services & Hosting
⦁ Shared Web Hosting
⦁ Domain Registration & SSL certificates

They have cloud infrastructure that enables them to provide their services at the most competitive price, without compromising the performance. This is something that comes handy for those who have budgetary limitations.

Business Hosting

This is one of the latest additions to their services. Hostinger aims to give the user a holy grail, a middle ground to be specific, to bridge the gap between Shared Hosting and Business Hosting. If you are executing a strategy to promote your business for greater revenues, you certainly need to check out their Business Hosting infrastructure.

This hosting service is powered by cloud computing and Shared Hosting to boost performance. As of now, they offer three consecutive price ranges for this service. Check the pricing below;

VPS Solutions

It was hesitation for me in the beginning as only one IPv4 address was provided, which is applicable to all the packages. Hostinger provides a variety of VPS hosting packages to a user. You can go with either of them with regards to your preference.

The hesitation began to fade away when I started using the service, and after a while, it gained my trust with the on-point performance.

Their VPS hosting comes in 6 different price ranges. Each plan has a variety of features out of which you can choose your preferred one. VPS hosting is a perfected solution for growing websites as it boosts their traffic.

Take a look at their price range:

Shared Web Hosting

A newly designed website requires a minimalistic amount of hosting to boost its traffic. Your web designer may advise you to go for Share Web Hosting account. In the beginning, a newly fabricated web portal does not get the much-required traffic. This hosting service provides you with a much-needed boost and helps you build your business progressively.

It is a very basic package that entails you to get online access and receive emails. The service allows you to host your website without getting into the complexity of managing the server. Shared Web Hosting is a good option for those who are not aiming for traffic, especially college students.

If this meets your requirements and does not feel like extending your budget, Hostinger provides you with this service at the most reasonable cost. Their cloud computing infrastructure provides you the hassle-free Shared Web Hosting. Check out Shared Hosting Prices below:

Domain Registration & SSL certificates

It is essential to look for ICANN certification whenever you plan to buy a domain name. Fortunately, Hostinger has its registration with ICANN. Thus, you will not have to worry about purchasing a domain from a non-certified domain seller. The organization has been an ICANN certified seller for over five years. In addition to this, Hostinger also offers you a free domain name along with a wide variety of business hosting plans.

SSL certificate is also an important aspect that comes with hosting and Hosting provides you a free of cost SSL certificate. When you take a look at their Business Hosting plans, you will find that they provide a free domain with these plans. Another convenience is that you do not require to disclose the confidentiality of the credit card and the login details of your customer.

Advantages of being with Hostinger

Server Proficiency

It is important for your web-page to load fast. If it takes more than 3 seconds to load, your precious viewers may quit your website and jump to your competitor. This is something you don’t want to let happen in the first place. Luckily, Hostinger has servers located in the United States of America, Europe, and Asia. And all of them run at 1000 Mbps connection speed.

You can analyze their server speed and connection response time with the help of Bitcatcha tool. The tool passed their server with flying colors.

The minimum connection response time recorded on Bitcatcha, when I checked it last, was 1ms for the US servers. On Japanese servers, the maximum response time was 2503ms. This indicates that your geographical location does not matter and your website will respond just as quickly.


Hostinger provides you with user-friendly web hosting services. They follow the same concept as Microsoft tiles do regarding their control panel. They provide you with large sized icons which makes it easy for you to locate any service or tool. There are no hidden features in their control panel, which leaves the unpleasant element of surprise out. Simply put, everything is available at the click of your mouse.

Customer Support

For an experienced website owner, it is hard not to understand how crucial it is for a web-page to work without any interruptions. Anything may go wrong at any instant. Therefore, you tend to lean towards the most reliable hosting service that keeps all the functions running, without any disruption. In this fast-paced time, if anything goes wrong, it needs to be rectified immediately.

Hostinger’s live chat support helps you anytime you need help. I found their customer support panel extremely knowledgeable. They will do everything they can to sort out your issue and give you the most reliable solution to any problems you encounter.


I found Hostinger as one of the most reliable hosting platforms that packed full of amazing features that are a must-have in modern hosting services such as a website builder, domain registration, auto-script installer, etc. And with their 30-days money-back guarantee you should definitely give them a try!

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