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Are Web3 Apps The Same As dApps?

Are Web3 Apps The Same As dApps?

With the rapid evolution in the crypto space, we are being introduced to novel terms and concepts very frequently. If you are slightly familiar with this crypto landscape, you must have already heard about dApps, and now we have web3 apps taking the world by storm! However, not all of us have a clear understanding of these terms, so let us explore and fathom what kind of apps these are.

First, what are web3 apps?

You can conceptualize web3 or Web 3.0 as an extension of the cryptocurrency sphere; it is an internet space like our World Wide Web, but it incorporates blockchain technologies, decentralization of data ownership, and digital token economics. The fundamental concept of web3 is defined by trustless interactions, which eliminate the role of a centralized authority. Web3 applications are apps that belong to this web3 space and are executed on blockchain networks, generally the Ethereum blockchain.

From NFT platforms to Decentralized Finance (DeFi), web3 apps are of varied kinds, and you can even connect to them via a crypto wallet. Some of the most popular web3 apps include Decentraland, Ethlance, Sapien, Storj, and DTube, among others.

What are dApps?

Decentralized applications, also known as dApps, are distributed applications that run on P2P blockchain and decentralized computing and typically use smart contracts to function autonomously. Like all other digital apps found in our smartphones, these dApps also offer features and utilities to users.

All dApps are web3 apps, but the reverse is not true

While the terms “dApps” and “web3 apps” are often used interchangeably, there are many basic differences between them.

Firstly, not all web3 apps are dApps because not all of these apps are decentralized. Web3 apps can be modified to make them decentralized, but the modifying capabilities must be distributed between multiple stakeholders. On the other hand, dApps are always decentralized, hence the name. And these are specific kinds of web3 applications. This is why all dApps are web3 apps, but not all web3 apps are dApps.

However, you can access all dApps and web3 apps by connecting via a crypto wallet.

What are the benefits offered by web3 apps?

Web3 apps deliver certain distinct benefits or values to us, which we cannot expect from conventional apps. These benefits include –

While using certain web3 apps, you can store your own information in a crypto wallet and monetize it.

Final words

Web3 apps essentially represent the next mega advancement of internet applications, marking the popularity of creating digital experiences that are decentralized and user-centric. Today, there are more than 14,300 web3 applications, most of which operate on the Ethereum blockchain network. As the adoption of blockchain technologies continues to proliferate, these decentralized web3 apps will shape a digital ecosystem that is truly versatile, more transparent, inclusive, and highly secure.

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